Example sentences of "in a situation [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We are taken through the political and social development of a country which the US regards as its gateway to South America — and we wind up in a situation little different from the past in which an elite group monopolized economic and political power .
2 But if you 're in a situation where that 's not possible then you 'll do the very best you can , but you 're always going to be on the look out for the priorities as they change , cos once the person stops breathing they become unconscious , they stop breathing , their heart stops , then everything else has to wait and you have to try and get on with that , okay ?
3 The model is now flying at the maximum speed of which it is capable and is in a situation where all power above that required to maintain height goes into making the model move forwards .
4 Thus , Billig 's ethnographic study of Young Conservatives ( reprinted in this volume , Chapter 4 ) showed that the denial of prejudice occurred in a situation where all shared similar views .
5 You can be in good shape , mentally , physically and spiritually , yet suddenly find yourself in a situation where destructive power from within seeks to engulf you .
6 A defeat in a situation where sustainable management of the resource seems possible could threaten other resources where there is greater cause for concern about depletion .
7 Thus , in a situation where five users are interactively editing files from their own terminals , there would be five processes but only one program , the editor being shared among the users .
8 In a situation where many short sectors are to be flown , with minimal turn-round times , not only does the crew co-ordination have to be well-drilled , but also the aeroplane has to be right for the job .
9 In a situation where two dissimilar languages with unequal status — for example , Standard English and French Creole — coexist in one community , the dynamic which evolves between them may in theory lead to any one of several different states .
10 Appointing the FDP leader Walter Scheel as foreign minister and ably assisted by Egon Bahr , Brandt developed ‘ Ostpolitik ’ much more dramatically than had been possible under the Grand Coalition , in a situation where East-West détente was increasingly more welcome to the US and so need not endanger Western unity .
11 But in a situation where industrial growth is conditioned by the needs of monopoly capitalism , as happened in many underdeveloped countries , this stage may be virtually omitted .
12 The committee pointed out that " industry can not grow steadily in a situation where industrial policy three years from now could be in the hands of politicians of utterly opposed political views " .
13 In a situation where excessive wage claims and rising import prices , accompanied by an increase in monetary growth , have led to inflation , it is extremely difficult to determine which is the major cause of the inflation .
14 This can be viewed as a fairly powerful mechanism for exerting control over a number , if not all pupils , in a situation where few sanctions exist .
15 There is a delightful passage where he addresses himself to the role of dreams and faces out the difficulty inherent in medieval lore which others like Chaucer resolve through ambiguity : namely , that in a situation where some dreams were held to reveal truth and others to be the products of a disordered digestive system , it is difficult to distinguish true from false .
16 Withdrawing from some drugs , such as barbiturates , are best dealt with in a situation where medical or specialist help is available .
17 It is the same severance which has placed the monarch in a situation constitutionally inexplicable and indefensible .
18 At the back of their minds many girls feel that perhaps , even if they told their parents , they would fail to understand , or take in a situation so different from their own educational experiences .
19 In a situation humanly desperate , with the race line hardening , there is hope .
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