Example sentences of "in a study [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In a study of the administration of juvenile justice in the USA Cicourel ( The Social organization of Juvenile Justice , 1976 ) looked at the actual process of how delinquency and criminality is defined and applied to certain individuals .
2 The relationship between staff and students of University College , apart from the pastoral care of the few Anglican students and staff , involved me increasingly in a study of the history and culture of Burma .
3 Final reports and atlases are being prepared in the United Kingdom with the assistance of a Chinese coworker , following a collaborative programme which integrated geological mapping , geochemistry , geophysics and remote sensing in a study of the metallogeny of granites of the South Jiangxi Province .
4 For example , in a study of the North American green frog , three out of 25 males mated between two and five times , and accounted for 47 per cent of all matings observed .
5 In a study of the slum areas of San Salvador in 1978 , one-fifth of households were " co-residential kinship groups with no regularly present male in the role of husband or father " and 10% of households were formed by multiple or extended families .
6 No such emotions are on offer in a study of the Young Conservatives .
7 This is supported by the few studies specifically of rural areas ; Moseley and Townroe ( 1973 ) found that immigrant firms in East Anglia retained most of their original linkages outside the region , and Hodge and Whitby ( 1979 ) , in a study of the eastern Scottish Borders , found that few in-migrant firms had important local linkages .
8 Jackson ( 1968 ) , in a study of the north Cotswolds , observed that the main zone of depopulation was the area of hill farming , while the fringes of the Cotswolds , which are accessible to the West Midlands urban areas , had received large numbers of in-migrants .
9 In a study of the French record industry , Antoine Hennion describes how the coexistence of , and tension between , the large multinational concerns , on the one hand , and small producers and independent companies , on the other , are structurally essential to the system 's viability ( Hennion 1981 ; 1983 ) .
10 Accordingly Nutley used three measures of accessibility in a study of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland , namely travel timings from a central point , shortest paths through a network between every pair of nodes , and potential surfaces ; and in yet another study of Scotland , Nutley ( 1980b ) used multiple regression to test both objective ( i.e. bus capacity ) and subjective ( i.e. people 's perceptions ) measures of accessibility .
11 Professor Griffiths , in a study of the committee stages of bills covering the period 1967–71 found that 907 amendments were moved by ministers , of which 906 were carried .
12 This idea may be illustrated in a study of the rufous hummingbird ( Selasphorus rufus ) by Lynn Carpenter , D. C. Paton and M. A. Hixon .
13 In a study of the US agricultural equipment and chemical industries they show how a V-curve may be derived as illustrated in figure 5.1 .
14 All three measures were used in a study of the performance of 123 mutual funds between 1960 and 1969 by McDonald .
15 In a study of the research output of UK universities , Irvine used an Activity Index , a technique developed by Carpenter & Narin ; defined as the percentage of a university 's total published output within each research field , divided by the overall percentage of all university-originated papers in that field ; and a Total Influence measure , defined as the product of the numbers of papers , their average influence ( impact factor ) , and the percentage of papers with influence .
16 This last point is repeated in a study of the work of those who have co-ordinated TVEI clusters in Leicestershire ( Edwards et al.
17 This is illustrated in a study of the melting of natural rubber samples , which has shown that the melting range is a function of the temperature of crystallization .
18 In a study of the local area , for instance , it is Attainment Target 2 that often poses the most problems .
19 In a study of the Vikings , pupils might begin with the Vikings in their own area , but could go on to use the computer simulation " Raiders " , putting them in the role of Vikings deciding where and how to attack the British Isles .
20 In a study of the Panamanian rain forest tree , Tetragastris panamensis ( Burseraceae ) , visited by a wide range of animals , it was found that three mammal species accounted for over 97% of the seeds removed from the tree , the howler monkey ( Allouatta palliata ) alone being responsible for 74% .
21 In a study of the use of British Rail for long journeys , a random sample of households is selected and each member is asked to list all railway journeys over 40 miles taken in the last 12 months .
22 In a study of the association between family size and university education , each member of a random sample of all who graduated from a certain university in the last 20 years is asked for information on the number of brothers and sisters he or she has .
23 In a study of the relationships between road accidents and the sizes and ages of cars involved , a hospital casualty department questions all accident patients about the cars in which they were travelling .
24 Lichtenstein , Slovic , Fischhoff , Layman and Combs ( 1978 ) for example in a study on the judged frequency of a variety of lethal events found that the frequency of deaths from road accidents was systematically underestimated in relation to other causes of death .
25 Hill ( 1982 ) , in a study on the Philippines , illustrates a more typical pattern , where local linkages are created by assemblers who establish joint ventures with licensees or foreign firms .
26 FRESH evidence that there is not a link to toxic chemical sprays , such as Agent Orange , and increased birth defects in veterans ' children has been provided in a study by the Australian Commonwealth Institute of Health .
27 However , he points out that the effects of the testosterone rises appear to affect men more than women — in a study in the United States it was found that teenage boys felt sexier when their testosterone levels were high , whereas their female counterparts were more affected by peer group activity ( ie what their friends were doing ) .
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