Example sentences of "in [pos pn] eye [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She caught the mischief in my eyes and pressed against me .
2 a standard Anglepoise lamp er which it 's been going for a number of years , you can get it in about six different colours to match different designs of , er put colour into your room , now if somebody was spending a lot of time sitting knitting and has to look at the knitting or has to look at the pattern then er a good strong light which wo n't get in their eyes but goes straight on to what , whatever they 're doing , is by far the best thing for them , er but they say oh I do n't like it , it 's a bit angular is n't it , erm , modern sort of thing , er but because it 's angular it does n't mean to say it 's not gon na fit into the room it 's the right thing for it , er for the person doing that work .
3 Lourdes and Ana , I notice , have tears in their eyes and keep crossing themselves .
4 To begin with the little-uns looked on Piggy as their parental figure because he always acted like an adult in their eyes and tried to make them laugh .
5 When he let her go she stared up at him with anguish in her eyes and heard him swear roughly , viciously .
6 Lucenzo 's face became misty as the tears formed in her eyes and rolled silently down her cheeks .
7 But when she looked back at him he saw the hatred in her eyes and knew he had been right .
8 ‘ It 's enough , ’ she whispered , looking away from his intense stare in case he read the truth in her eyes and recoiled from it .
9 He glimpsed the tenderness in her eyes and looked away , embarrassed .
10 To her horror she felt the sting of tears in her eyes and looked away again , refusing to let him see her moment of weakness .
11 Tears welled up in her eyes and began slipping slowly down her cheeks .
12 He looked at her white face and the dark fear in her eyes and felt a brute .
13 Then he looked at her scarlet face , at the awful misery in her eyes and did n't want to laugh any more .
14 The tears welled up in her eyes and trickled into her ears and down her neck ; she heard her own sobs but made no effort to contain them .
15 A tear welled up in her eye and rolled down her cheek , leaving a streak of eye make-up behind it .
16 He sank it and turned to me with a real glint in his eye and said something like , ‘ Now let's go . ’
17 A tear sprang up in his eye and meandered across his cheek .
18 Robyn saw the sexy curve of his mouth , the sparkle in his eyes and felt her body automatically respond .
19 Then she saw the look of steely determination in his eyes and knew he was more than capable of it .
20 I saw the evil light in his eyes and knew that so far they had only been playing with me : their real intent was to kill .
21 She looked at the look in his eyes and swung the belt like an axe .
22 He turned to Sullivan with a glow on his face and a slight mist in his eyes and said .
23 Now , he half turns and looks my way , love for the reindeer bones in his eyes and woofs merrily at me .
24 They jumped on him from behind , squirted superglue in his eyes and demanded cash .
25 Kate read the expression in his eyes and parted her full lips to speak .
26 She stiffened in his arms , saw the turmoil in his eyes and panicked as she sensed how little it would take to make her surrender .
27 ‘ There 's never been any kind of attraction between me and To — ’ She stopped , seeing the darkness in his eyes and understanding it .
28 He made no reply , but she saw the glint of amusement in his eyes and turned away , her lips tightening in annoyance .
29 Let me look in your eyes and see you might be getting a wee bit bloodless actually I mean that 's the other thing Cathy , you 're a bit pale in there .
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