Example sentences of "in [art] light [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'll say if I knew any Swahili , I was very tempted to s I would would have been very tempted to use it , in the lights of the er , the dictionary .
2 You know , what a novelty it was , and the difference in the light between the old single gas lighter and the incandescent lighter .
3 She rose quickly and lit the candles , all six of them which was wasteful , but she needed to be in the light for the shadows in the corners frightened her .
4 The principle took on particular importance in the light of the development of totalitarian communism , and the Roman church saw the threat to be endemic in the growth of the modern state apparatus , including its welfare institutions .
5 Monstrous in this small room , though in the light of the day it reverts to its ordinary size , two biggish panels of glass , steel frame and stand , 227.5 x 175.8 cm.
6 Why it is the colour of the moon and made in the light of the moon .
7 Perhaps the most important point is that , regardless of who may be at the launch point , the pilot alone bears the responsibility for accepting or rejecting the launch in the light of the situation as he sees it from the cockpit .
8 Perhaps in the light of the somewhat narrow academic bias outlined by this cream of police studentship , it is just as well the college was not allocated the task of collating and circulating research to chief officers !
9 His tone is one of sadness , of a great day now passed , of his uncles ' and cousins ' deep sense of loss — which he shared — of the death of his father ( again ) , and of the disenchantment with their present , pedestrian lives in the light of the splendid triumphs of the past .
10 As already mentioned , many plans had to be changed in the light of the recession and these included reduction of the number of Cross Country HSTs .
11 This is what Eliot means by insisting : ‘ It is necessary to consider Pound 's literary pronouncements in the light of the circumstances in which they were written … ’
12 A quarter of a century later , the conventional wisdom of British mandarins looks complacent , self-serving , ill-informed , and outmoded — especially in the light of the many serious breaches by the United Kingdom of the European Convention on Human Rights .
13 Performers are five recent graduates of Bristol University , who felt revolutions were topical in the light of the bicentennial of the French Revolution and events in China .
14 ‘ Our biggest problem with A-levels is that they have not been modified in the light of the GCSE , ’ says Brian Howseman , principal of Luton Sixth Form College .
15 These are paradoxical results in the light of the substantial cost increases .
16 This becomes even more so when deviance is regarded in the light of the pre-Freudian , pre-sexological histories of perversion .
17 Finally , it assesses the impact of party government in Britain in the light of the Thatcher record .
18 Such an explanation , quite apart from being completely wrong , is extraordinary in the light of the fact that both Marx and Engels warn throughout their work that biological models are inappropriate to human societies .
19 This section deals with an examination of their views of early political evolution , principally in the light of the theory in The Origin , but also in their other writings .
20 The proscription is , of course , a legal convention which we would normally take for granted , but is , in this context , inconsistent with the SI anti-copyright policy and , in the light of the Lautréamont axiom : ‘ Plagiarism is necessary — progress implies it , ’ which Francis cites on page 19 , is an unintended irony .
21 Campaigners for the Birmingham Six had hoped that a new Home Secretary might reconsider the convictions in the light of the discovery that the confessions of those convicted of the Guildford pub bombings had been fabricated , and the subsequent release of the four .
22 The question of whether the convictions were safe , and the need for a review to allay public anxiety in the light of the Guildford findings , is raised in a statement by the joint presidents of the Birmingham Council of Christian Churches : the Most Reverend Maurice Couve de Murville , Archbishop of Birmingham ; the Right Reverend Mark Santer , Bishop of Birmingham ; and the Reverend David Good , representing the Birmingham Free Churches .
23 And in the light of the recent Beverley Lewis tragedy , Adrienne Baker puts the case for self-help groups to relieve the isolation and enormous pressure felt by the mothers of handicapped children A special kind of need
24 The difference was more apparent than real , a question of ‘ words ’ in which ‘ all the details are important ’ in a new ‘ information environment ’ — meaning his words ought to be read in the light of the special status of the Communist Party organ , Pravda , and of glasnost .
25 Mrs Thatcher 's call for a ‘ level playing field ’ was found ‘ somewhat ironic ’ by other delegations , in the light of the domestic row the sale caused .
26 But we are going to review it in the light of the criticism . ’
27 In the light of the defendants ' knowledge of her state of health it was reasonably foreseeable that that would happen if they were negligent and did not obtain a satisfactory resolution of her affairs .
28 I can understand the caution in the light of the Hillsborough disaster , but the charges per officer are outrageous . ’
29 But in the light of the collapse of the Berlin Wall , which occurred after this book was completed and sent to my publishers , we have changed its title to Britain 's Defence Dilemma : An
30 Moreover , in the light of the Americans ' deep-seated anti-colonialism , neutrality was the most that could be hoped for in the problems that would face Britain in converting her Empire into the Commonwealth at a prudent and realistic pace .
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