Example sentences of "in [art] role of the " in BNC.

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1 In the UK the new instability of exchange rates and international financial markets was followed , in 1976 , by the abandonment of Keynesian policies to sustain full employment and , since 1979 , by changes in the roles of the state , management and trade unions in influencing ( regulating ) the pace and direction of production and growth .
2 The people which only a few years previously had committed brutal genocide and waged a terrible war of destruction suddenly found themselves in the role of the great advocate of justice .
3 Whatever we think about child baptism , it did reflect a serious interest in the role of the family in bringing up children .
4 It is a curious comment on Thatcherism , however , that the administration most committed to a reduction in the role of the state , and in the need for an independent private sector , has spent more on specific urban regeneration and employment schemes and incentives to private investment in urban areas than any other in recent history .
5 And Geoffrey Howe ( 1961 ) argued that ‘ over the whole field of social policy , the firm aim should be a reduction in the role of the state ’ .
6 Once again a Scottish keeper was cast in the role of the disastrous fool .
7 Every game between the teams since has been a struggle for superiority and status with Dundee in the role of the local aristocrat and St Johnstone the perennial grousebeater .
8 This implies a decline in the role of the school as the sole agent of the delivery of education , and the emergence of new organisational entities nourished by partnerships .
9 But it is also attractive , just as Ron Hubbard 's dianetics or Wilhelm Reich 's orgone theories are attractive , because it seems capable of grasping great truths while casting orthodox science in the role of the lame and purblind also-ran .
10 Yorkshire , for so long the ugly sister ( fancy clinging to the extraordinary notion that you wanted Yorkshiremen to play for Yorkshire ) had overnight turned into Cinderella , with Tendulkar cast in the role of the Prince who found the shoe fitted perfectly .
11 ( He is seen briefly , with his snowy moustache , at the beginning of the film , addressing the convicts in the role of the commandant . )
12 Former Tory Cabinet Minister , leading constitutional expert and friend of the Royal family Lord St John of Fawsley said last night the announcement ‘ must mean a change in the role of the Monarchy because they have for this century , and indeed the whole of the last one , been held up as an example of model family rectitude .
13 But in no Western country so far , other than in the years following the end of a war , has there been a major permanent reduction in the role of the state .
14 A reduction in the role of the state in the running of the economy is , as has been outlined above , a major driving force behind the whole privatisation programme .
15 Popular capitalism necessitates a belief in the power of market forces , a reduction in the role of the state , an increasing reliance on self-help and moves towards extending the property-owning democracy .
16 But there are signs too that the professional care providers seek to halt the slight trend in reduction which has taken place in the role of the mental hospital .
17 Indeed one might argue that talk of Jesus as our ‘ brother ’ , emphasizing his humanity , makes Jesus more intrusively male than if one were casting him in the role of the cosmic Christ .
18 A bridge between the legislating church and the law-making king might be found in the role of the clergy who until c. 1290 still dominated the royal judiciary , although by no means were all these men canon lawyers .
19 Although the factors outlined above have probably been the most important considerations in the growth of rural manufacturing , an additional reason can be found in the role of the state .
20 That , of course , is a plainly nonsensical result and , casting myself in the role of the interfering outsider not so familiar with this Act , I ask myself what is the answer to that .
21 Even if this approach is adopted , however , it does not follow that it will lead to a marked increase in the role of the courts as monitors of business decisions .
22 The case is of great importance and interest because it illuminates the weaknesses inherent in the role of the judiciary when required to adjudicate in such matters .
23 The factory legislation and the government intervention in the cause of health and safety implied important changes in the role of the state .
24 The point appears to come through even more strongly in the role of the postgraduate student , particularly the research student .
25 This will help the person in the hot seat to become more relaxed and confident in the role of the character .
26 But it was while at Silverstone to watch Nigel Mansell that he became interested in the role of the marshal .
27 This is particularly evident in the role of the Appointed Actuary .
28 I sat in on the debate yesterday because of my great interest in the role of the inspectorate and in what will happen if schools and local education authorities , however affluent , pay little attention to special needs .
29 As announced in Pravda , the newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ( CPSU ) , on April 24 , it insisted that stabilizing the country and extricating it from its present crisis was inconceivable without a " cardinal increase in the role of the republics " .
30 It was Iris , throwing doubts on Rick 's guilt , who had cast her in the role of the devil 's advocate .
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