Example sentences of "a piece of [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 The server is actually a piece of software that runs on a Macintosh AppleTalk network and allows multiple users to access common information .
2 No-one wanted personal computers until an American called Dan Bricklin invented a piece of software that would do lots of boring calculations in the blink of an eye .
3 A piece of wall that is clean and firm and decent even when the paper has been stripped away from it ! ’
4 I 'll wager a piece of gold that his wound resembles a sword cut .
5 Masklin tried pictures at random and got several different sorts of fruit , a squeaky green vegetable thing , and a piece of meat that tasted rather like smoked salmon .
6 He said he 'd probably get it anyway , that he 'd baited the trap with a piece of meat that had gone off .
7 Yes the officers excuse me , the officers would be issued with a ballistic shield , this is a piece of equipment that is erm bullet proof to certain weapons and enables officers to er enter rooms er through doorways safely , even if shots are fired towards them from inside the room .
8 It 's a piece of pipe that I got at a plumbing supply place ; I bought a twelve foot piece of pipe and had it cut into pieces a little over an inch long .
9 Drama is a piece of literature that only works when it 's given threedimensional form .
10 A breastsummer is n't just a piece of wood stuck over a gap , it 's a piece of wood that holds the walls together , and the rest of the building up .
11 It 's only a piece of wood that 's do you know what that is ?
12 I have an idea for a piece of work that might possibly provide a theme for my doctorate thesis .
13 It was a piece of work that I very much enjoyed organising and following through to completion .
14 The welcoming party for Ali Bacher , first off the plane , and the 94-strong South African party was only a small one , comprising Jamaican and West Indian Board officials and assorted media , but all present knew they had witnessed a piece of history that only recently seemed destined for the next century .
15 It is built around a piece of land that juts out into the Atlantic , with beaches on the north side of the slender neck and the harbour on the south side .
16 A piece of land that had held no particular interest for him at all until the arrival of its new estate manager .
17 There can hardly ever have been a piece of legislation that has so utterly failed to achieve its stated objectives .
18 None of us would want to find that , at the end of our work , we had produced a piece of legislation that increased the delay in obtaining the approval necessary to build new railways .
19 The sailor was pointing to a piece of ice that was floating near the ship .
20 I was left on a piece of ice that was becoming smaller all the time .
21 If you have a piece of pottery that you suspect is older or younger than it purports to be , you can have it tested by thermoluminescence for £80 .
22 One evening Finck proclaimed that a piece of music that Tiller had composed for a skipping-rope routine was dull and lifeless and that neither he nor the Girls could do a thing with it .
23 A : ah a book that had been written or a piece of music that had been written or a painting or a —
24 Then … find a piece of music that ran to the same metre , and with that for my model … divide my ‘ composition ’ into bars .
25 Illness interrupted these plans , however , and when I next ventured out it was to a piece of woodland that was more local to where I live .
26 Daniel had explained to her that he liked very simple food that he could eat with one hand , because of his inability to eat without reading , and so , for supper his first night , she had brought him scrambled egg on a piece of toast that she had already cut up into precise and helpful squares .
27 Once you have determined its size and shape , cut out a piece of card that is a few centimetres ( inches ) bigger all round .
28 Rufus , driving back from London with the hashish his dealer swore was genuine Indian charas and a package of best Colombian , picked her off the street — ‘ a piece of property that is found ownerless ’ .
29 So she dashed off to her room and came back with a piece of underwear that I had certainly never seen before .
30 There was above our famous hearth , inserted into those massive stones , an inscription on a piece of slate that the previous owner had had placed there , I imagine with the aid of an English-Welsh dictionary , which can be fraught with pitfalls .
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