Example sentences of "a variety [prep] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Like birds , fish produce a variety of calls to attract a mate .
2 The children then have to evaluate the information they have , and they should be able to use a variety of criteria to judge the truth , relevance and status of the information they find .
3 The case law subsequent to Ridge v. Baldwin has used a variety of criteria to determine whether natural justice should be applied .
4 Essentially , what the communications course does is to bring to the fore issues which had hitherto been considered marginal ; it brings the perspectives of a variety of disciplines to bear on one subject .
5 It created a variety of services to support the basic structure of primary and secondary education , e.g. transport , free milk , medical and dental treatment .
6 The government has resorted to a variety of expedients to deal with teacher shortages .
7 It seems that the teacher can not do much more than demonstrate applied knowledge and nursing skills , applied personal resources , and the skills required in modifying and adapting a variety of procedures to meet particular contingencies .
8 Based on it management then devises a variety of systems to ensure that , from the employee 's standpoint , the top brass ‘ puts its money where its mouth is . ’
9 He was anxious about travelling , and worried that he might miss his train or enter by accident the wrong one : this was a fear that seems to have lingered since his youth when , as he said , " I found a variety of calamities to worry about .
10 There are a variety of exercises to check understanding at the back of each book and all the readers contain a picture dictionary , illustrating the words that appear in the stories .
11 If , however , the Chancellor was hoping for a variety of opinions to give him maximum freedom of manoeuvre in next month 's Budget , he will be only too happy with the report .
12 The early fakers of marble statuary used a variety of treatments to tone down the too obvious freshly carved surfaces , ranging from cold tea to the more sophisticated repeated acid bath treatments used by more recent fakers .
13 As a sentencing judge you are always looking for options erm a variety of options to impose so that each individual sentence that you impose on a defendant is tailored to either the rehabilitation or the punishment ends of sentencing .
14 They can reduce these factors to mathematical terms and experiment with them by introducing a variety of inputs to assess what effects they have .
15 With proposals for a fifth terrestrial channel currently being studied and a variety of plans to introduce pay-TV under consideration , the Government is clearly embarking on a policy of opening up the airwaves .
16 Managements took steps in a variety of forms to improve communications with employees .
17 Guo and Bradshaw carried out analyses of the nutrient ( N , P and K ) and energy flow patterns within the village and have conducted a variety of experiments to see how these patterns can be modified to result in a greater retention of nutrients and a more efficient return of energy to the human population .
18 It is true that , for a variety of reasons to do with the structure of wage bargaining in Britain , Keynes did not consider it very likely that money wages would fall , even in the presence of substantial unemployment .
19 McLeish nodded , not entirely convinced , but unwilling for a variety of reasons to discourage Catherine .
20 Lunch was excellent with a variety of dishes to choose from .
21 If Mr Lamont was expecting them to unite behind a common policy he will be disappointed but if he wanted a variety of views to choose from he will be pleased by the range of forecasts and advice in their preliminary report .
22 If Mr Lamont was expecting them to unite behind a policy he will be disappointed but if he wanted a variety of views to choose from he will be pleased by the range of forecasts and advice in their preliminary report .
23 A variety of reforms to build greater flexibility into the system are feasible , but they involve a balance of advantages and disadvantages .
24 Richard Durrant is a local classical guitar player , he will be using a variety of instruments to play a varied programme of contemporary and other music .
25 The immense significance of the bureaucracy , politically , economically and socially , in the political systems of countries in the Third World has produced a variety of attempts to explain this phenomenon , including a theory of the post-colonial state which relates the pivotal position of the bureaucracy to the unique role of the state in conditions of underdevelopment ( Hirschmann 1981 ) .
26 I then turn to draw on a variety of sources to investigate Berlin modernism in greater detail and depth .
27 Significant also , in the last year or two , has been a variety of moves to evaluate the impact of records of achievement .
28 Most muscle rubs use a variety of chemicals to produce a superficial heat .
29 What they each gained separately was a greater individual confidence and capacity for self-determination as women , and each of them fed that confidence back into a variety of struggles to change the position of women , and in the case of the majority of women in that particular group , to a struggle for some kind of socialism .
30 Kevin McCloud , whose background is in history of art and theatrical set designing , presents 40 individual roomsets in a variety of styles to copy or adapt to your own home .
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