Example sentences of "a eye [prep] their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It does not amount to an argument that staff should be conducting research as such ; merely that if they are engaged in it , there is an advantage to it being undertaken with an eye to their teaching commitments .
2 Again , while these books are in the ‘ horror ’ genre which the twentieth century has made its own , they are not written without an eye to their context in literary history beyond their descent from Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein and the Gothic novel .
3 Out of necessity , publishers have an eye to their profits and neither a work 's inclusion in a catalogue or collection , nor instant popularity , guarantees its suitability .
4 All bookshops with an eye to their image have events nowadays , although the competition is tough going .
5 So I do things for chaps from the U.K. Keep an eye on their properties .
6 He told us unsettling stories of Chinese merchants who had insisted on travelling aboard the prahus to keep an eye on their cargo , and had somehow been lost overboard while their merchandise appeared for sale in harbours far from their intended destination .
7 Only if their teacher were with them were they allowed to cross the dusty lane to play on the greater green , for Miss Watson was a woman who had no doubt at all that each and every pupil would be run over and either maimed or killed outright if she were not there to keep an eye on their movements .
8 For example , they can help handicapped youngsters in the difficult school-leaving period , encourage them to find work , keep an eye on their activities if they are trying to take on too much or are getting into bad company , help them to cope with family relationships and to become as independent and content as possible .
9 Fournier , who was keeping an eye on their end of the table , called , ‘ Look after young Flavia 's glass — she likes her tipple . ’
10 MURDER victim Johanna Young 's mother wept yesterday as she begged parents to always keep an eye on their children .
11 But it is important for parents to be aware and keep an eye on their children . ’
12 The farmer and his neighbours were all friends so it was just a case of asking them to keep an eye on their moggies , and spying on a few of the plumper-looking ones — successful hunters , we assumed .
13 ‘ We are experiencing a temporary respite but retailers have an eye over their shoulder to the cold , dark days of January and February which will be hard , ’ said marketing manager Ron Woodman .
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