Example sentences of "a long line of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He sat staring before him , seeing nothing but a long line of Mortimers , inexhaustible and prolific to the end of time .
2 His father came from a long line of bone-setters in Anglesey , but by the middle of the nineteenth century medical opinion was becoming increasingly hostile to these unqualified practitioners , and Evan Thomas sent all of his five sons to study medicine at Edinburgh University .
3 We sat on the hall floor , cross-legged , in our forms , with our form-mistress beside us , so as the Headmistress stood on the platform , she looked down upon a sea of faces , rows and rows of black-stockinged legs , and a long line of mistresses sitting on their chairs .
4 From a long line of tradition in adidas shoe manufacture comes the Tennis Stabil and the Tennis Lite .
5 Coming from a long line of seafarers , Mr Nelson has been running a pleasure cruise business for many years , taking would-be sailors out on fishing and boating trips .
6 The retirement of Sergeant Merrey marked the end of another era — not only the departure of a friend and character , but the last of a long line of School Sergeants going back to the appointment of Sgt. Sash in 1888 .
7 ‘ I 'm angry because — because you think you can add me to a long line of women notched on your belt .
8 BROWN & Jackson , which operates the Poundstretcher chain of stores , today became the latest in a long line of companies to ask shareholders for cash .
9 Marina Shipping Ltd v. Laughton ( 1982 ) was one in a long line of cases arising out of attempts by the International Transport Workers Federation ( ITF ) to force ship owners employing cheap labour recruited abroad to pay European standard rates of wages .
10 This case is the most recent in a long line of cases involving the question whether , if the paper owner has no present use for the land , there can be any possession " adverse " to his rights .
11 This point is discussed further at p104. 5 Defences 5.1 Iniquity In a long line of cases the courts have held that the disclosure of information relating to what was originally termed iniquity will not be restrained : see Gartside v Outram ( 1856 ) 2 LJ Ch 113 , Weld-Blundell v Stephens [ 1920 ] AC 956 ; Initial Services Ltd v Putterill [ 1968 ] 1 QB 396 ; Fraser v Evans [ 1969 ] 1 QB 349 ; Hubbard v Vosper [ 1972 ] 1 All ER 1023 ; Church of Scientology of California v Kaufman [ 1973 ] RPC 635 ; British Steel Corporation v Granada Television Ltd [ 1981 ] 1 All ER 417 ; and Lion Laboratories Ltd v Evans [ 1984 ] 2 All ER 417 .
12 Mike Gatting , first of a long line of England captains in 1988 .
13 On the west side are the twin escarpments of Fell End Clouds and Stennerskeugh Clouds , and on the east a broad shelf is pitted by a long line of shakeholes and potholes , the Angerholme Pots .
14 ‘ Perhaps I come from a long line of knights and no-one ever told me .
15 His latest in a long line of thrillers , As the Crow Flies ( Hodder and Stoughton , £14.99 ) , is published this month .
16 Yet climbers appear willing to put an inordinate amount of faith in a long line of brass nuts and then show surprise when they pull like a hot knife through butter .
17 The common language here is ‘ ASCII , comma-delimited ’ which simply means that the data fields in each record have commas stuck between them and are sent out as a long line of text with a carriage return indicating the end of the record .
18 A long line of gas lamps ran along each wall , giving it a dim smoky glow .
19 I have to stop and let a long line of trolleys go by .
20 As they crossed to the supermarket they had to wait as an assistant wearing a jacket over his uniform wheeled a long line of trolleys from a loading bay into the store .
21 It was to be the first in a long line of pay battles that would give her a reputation for being one of the toughest negotiators in the business .
22 The general pattern is very distinctive , with a long line of stars extending from Gamma through Beta and the fainter stars Epsilon ( 3.5 ) and Zeta ( 4.1 ) .
23 Miami is a wonderful example of the art — the ocean , a long line of hotel pool areas and almost nobody on the beach in between .
24 Part of the reason why the shareholders had to wait so long for a return was that the original capital had been only 10,000 guineas , and the Company financed itself by fairly short-term loans from the merchants with which it did business , so the shareholders stood at the end of a long line of creditors but could expect substantial returns on their money in the end if the Company survived .
25 CATH is not a Catholic organisation , but Father Tim continues a long line of involvement by the Franciscans that started with Father Crispin back in 1972 .
26 Islam teaches its adherents that the prophet Mohammed was the last of a long line of prophets who proclaimed the one true God .
27 To the left there was a long line of cubicles with coloured doors and large numeral on each .
28 She kept trying to tell herself that his was just another face in a long line of faces , but the nearness of him was agonising , and she was forced to face up to a bitter realisation .
29 A long line of soldiers splashed across the river and poured their fire into the silent lodges .
30 If you come from a long line of octogenarians , then clearly you will need to work out the sums on the basis of the next 20 years or longer .
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