Example sentences of "a couple of [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is hard to know exactly what the company were aiming at or were attempting to say , but after a couple of scenes the audience found itself tussling with one question only .
2 In my first week , I lost nearly a stone but since then I 've only lost a couple of pounds a week .
3 And sometimes it landed in a gay sorry mess and it really would n't there just a couple of feet a couple of stones high just the height of the jetty .
4 Answer : a notched wooden roller that is turned gently back and forth between the palms and fingers for a couple of minutes a day .
5 A couple of minutes a day with a good handcream is the key to smooth , soft hands .
6 The only answer seemed to be to feed a couple of minutes every half hour or so .
7 After a couple of minutes an idea occurred to her .
8 I mean , I was using a couple of grams a day , so I was still feeling bad withdrawal effects even after that two-month period .
9 At first she had just worked a couple of hours a week for Graham .
10 ‘ Just a couple of hours a day . ’
11 Five needle exchange schemes , each running for a couple of hours a week .
12 The dividing wall holding this tank only attracts sunlight from one side and for only a couple of hours a day , and only at the height of summer .
13 Well , it 's every night but it 's just a couple of hours a night .
14 They 've helped me with the baby , they take her away for a couple of hours a day , and they take you out to places — sports centres and hospitals .
15 DEAR Tom : Regarding Knowsley Social Services opening the new Crossroads Care Unit for a couple of hours a day .
16 Probably make a bit more hours , and course there might be er a a couple of hours a night , it 'll probably be I reckon it 'll probably from five to about er seven .
17 Within a couple of hours the silence that had wrapped the sea in peace was changed for a distant roar-like thunder .
18 After a couple of hours the German lady and I were so choked with emotion that we were scarcely able to speak .
19 Even if he was , I ca n't see he could get that flush driving loads of irons and heaters up to Leeds and Scotland a couple of times a week .
20 The practice fence should be jumped slowly initially , then a couple of times a bit faster to get into cross country ‘ mood ’ and a couple of times on the angle so that the horse is awake and ready to think about the task ahead .
21 ‘ I do n't really believe that eating a McDonald 's a couple of times a week , as I do , is bad for anybody , ’ said commercial director Lee Soden .
22 Beverley , 37 , of Leytonstone , East London , already played badminton and pounded the exercise bike a couple of times a week .
23 This typically British feast is okay a couple of times a week , but use your imagination when planning main meals .
24 When I moved to secondary school , the PE master used to encourage me in my running and , when he saw I had some potential , he took me down the North London AC and made me a member there so I could train a couple of times a week .
25 Then there 's a lady over here who comes or used to come on a regular basis a couple of times a month she comes now a couple of times a year .
26 Then there 's a lady over here who comes or used to come on a regular basis a couple of times a month she comes now a couple of times a year .
27 A couple of times a month she has a drink with the women at work , which is the only time she goes out .
28 She was in fact very thin but had this huge wire frame around her ’ It turned out that she 'd been coming in a couple of times a week , stealing hundreds of pounds worth of clothes , hanging them on her frame then walking out .
29 But I also have one of the largest training regiments in my constituency , and I see that unit erm in action a couple of times a year if if no more .
30 Prime Minister is normally here a couple of times a week to answer questions maybe the honourable gentleman will catch my eye one time very soon , he can put that to the Prime Minister himself .
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