Example sentences of "a little [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Praps they were just getting a little fed up of Wilko selling players for nothing when he decided he did nt want them any more ?
2 One admits to getting a little fed up with Mr Morton 's tendency to gloss over Eurotunnel 's problems , insisting that almost whatever happens it will all come right in the end .
3 It was then , when she thought about it , that she decided that she was just a little fed up with the bossy brute .
4 She was getting a little fed up with the habit he had of never allowing her to finish a sentence .
5 ‘ We want to win every game so while it was a good performance we were a little fed up with the result . ’
6 There was n't nothing wrong with it — it was just a little bashed up on one end , that 's all .
7 But after two months and $4000 and still nothing to show for it , he was getting a little hacked off at Condor Television .
8 The mother , who attracted and welcomed happy young men to the house , was a little put out by Edwy 's rather shy and serious manner .
9 She recalled that she had at the time been a little put out by the prince 's interest in Joan — but now the important thing was to persuade Joan to join in the festivities and bring her a first-hand report .
10 ‘ And I think Ahn may be more than a little put out by the idea . ’
11 People say ‘ Are n't you a little put out by all the other GTi 's around these days ? ’
12 I really enjoyed the day , and I was a little put out by the articles I read in a couple of daily newspapers throughout the week , which criticised the tournament for staging what they called ‘ just a one-woman show ’ .
13 Mama was always a little put out by my preference for boy 's play and toys , and that grew worse after she married Papa and had three boys for me to play with .
14 You tend to look a little washed out under the lights without something .
15 ‘ I thought you might be a little pissed off with me , yes . ’
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