Example sentences of "a idea [conj] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was just thinking when you left — I 've got an idea that might interest you . ’
2 Knowing how busy you 'll be these next few weeks , I 've come up with an idea that might put your mind at ease and allow Jelka to come to terms with her experience . ’
3 So , an enterprising chap by the name of Len Middleton came up with an idea that would present the bait on fine , supple line ( the hair ) , and yet still have a strong hook attached to a strong , somewhat rigid line .
4 THE TVP 's crank-driven DIY rock ‘ n ’ roll may sound dated in these wearing , uncaring times , but that said they still have n't lost the knack of pulling a good tune from seemingly nowhere or coming up with an idea that will tug at your sleeve for attention .
5 This is an idea that could overtake current government policy that Bosnia should be a state of three faiths and three peoples , and provide the ideology for future Bosnian-Muslim terrorists .
6 It is also the source of an idea that could save Russia .
7 It sounds like an idea that could catch on .
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