Example sentences of "a kind of [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is a kind of debunk manquée , not the whole hog sort that keeps you on the edge of your chair waiting for yet more astounding revelations , but in a snider kind — like those Sunday supplement interviews which are dressed up as journalistic frankness , but whose real purpose is barb and innuendo . ’
2 of course , if the vacancy requirements fluctuate as well , as is the case with contractors , a kind of see-saw effect sets in with the recruitment team oscillating between periods of intense activity and chaos on the one hand , and having nothing to do on the other hand .
3 A kind of intermediary synthesis of information before its eventual distillation into the monograph form , they contain extensive references to books , reports , periodical articles , etc. , and are often given titles such as Advances in … or Progress in … .
4 We are suggesting , in effect , that this can be used as a kind of litmus test of appropriateness against which professional approaches can be measured .
5 I think it was a kind of defence mechanism , my way of warding off those waves of sadness .
6 The , the group usually has a leader or symbols which represent its aspirations like the statue of the Virgin Mary or , or Golden Churches or something to which act as representatives or icons for the aspirations , the ideals of the individual 's ego and every member of the group shares those , that leader or those icons or those ideals and consequently the group is unified by a kind of sentry petal flow of individual narcissistic libido towards the centre , towards the leader and that makes them more identifiable with each other .
7 And if I can possibly we might do it in a kind of pinky colour which is what seems to have been at least on part of the house .
8 There 's a kind of consensus view that in the language of ten sixty six and all that the Vienna settlement was a bad thing .
9 Get a kind of varnish stripper for it .
10 A kind of gang fight .
11 We 're going back to a kind of rating system with the different assessment on valuations
12 They were closely integrated into the emerging central paradigm of social evolution , according to which the level of sophistication of these objects was held to symbolize the place of such peoples as a kind of fossil record of social development from the primitive to the civilized ( Steadman 1979 ; Chapman 1985 ) .
13 We were strolling along , laughing and joking , when Amelio , a kind of village clown who never seemed to take anything seriously ( and who was never taken seriously himself ) , approached us on his bicycle in a state of great excitement .
14 Finally , the ‘ deme judges ’ ( again an originally Pisistratid invention ) dispensed a justice which was uniform for all Attica , but they travelled round the demes on a kind of assize circuit ; they too must have been agents of unification .
15 ‘ The DUC operated as a kind of umbrella organization and there was a little group in all the different localities where uranium prospecting was going on … and each of these groups had their own little committee of two or three people who were feeding back information to the DUC and it was a real grassroots organization then . ’
16 You 've got , in fact , to work out what their proper significance is , but there 's no doubt that it 's seen as a kind of turning point , and although it was a Roman Catholic Council , its effect has been marked on all aspects of Christian life in Europe and , well , through the world .
17 Mr Fitch a former barman had Korsakoff 's disease , a kind of brain failure occurring as a result of alcoholism .
18 I was sitting behind the sofa playing with a kind of milk lorry I had .
19 It is possible to obtain a kind of flow chart automatically as it were by using successive photographs of operator positions on the same photographic plate .
20 erm it 's , it 's a kind of dancey kind of hate the word but raveish type music but a bit mellower .
21 He used to dress up in this enormous chicken 's costume and clown around in front of the audience as a kind of warm-up act .
22 In Liz Hodgkinson 's Spiritual Healing ( Piatkus Books , £12.95 ) Don Copland , ex-engineer turned healer , says , ‘ I regard healing … as a kind of jump lead which enables people to start healing themselves ’ .
23 Offering us ‘ the entire history of World Theatre ’ , a kind of pop-up guide to the theatrical imagination , he artfully avoids dry chronology , beginning instead with the modern , virtuoso excesses of Simon Callow , reaching Shakespeare through Jane Austen 's observations of Edmund Kean , and the Greeks via puppetry .
24 By the twentieth century many of these were beginning to move , through much internal controversy about the social-class implications , to a kind of trade-union status and function .
25 Among the traditional agricultural tools and implements which remain today , you can see in common use the enchada , a cross between a pick and a hoe which first came to Madeira in 1440 from the Algarve , and also a serrated sickle ( fouce ) for grass-cutting and a kind of pruning hook ( podão ) .
26 On top of everything else it 's got a kind of kitchen sink drama air about it .
27 Tomorrow was Bank Holiday Monday , the highlight of the holiday for all but the most upper and select of classes , and this weekend was a kind of holiday rehearsal for it , albeit muted in respect for the Sabbath .
28 … . The best system in my opinion is not therefore full integration but a kind of core course with extensions varying according to the students ' other studies .
29 Her daughter was far too exotic , a kind of hothouse plant , the sort of girl who enjoyed running wild on the Cornish cliffs during summer but drooped in the cold lonely winters , with their grey skies and seas and not another human habitation within sight .
30 After the whambamthankyouma'am of the sixties , the seventies barely existed in their own right , but were more a kind of dream time when no one wanted to admit the good times had gone , or indeed had never really been .
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