Example sentences of "a number [prep] [noun pl] including " in BNC.

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1 Although essentially separate and independent , they share a number of resources including the central criminal record department , the police national computer and the national reporting centre .
2 In fact , for a number of reasons including changes in the market situation of managers ( in terms of narrowing pay differentials and perceived increases in job insecurity ) together with the more ready conceding of union recognition for those employed in the public sector of the economy , managerial unionism increased markedly in Western Europe during the 1970s .
3 It has acquired this position for a number of reasons including the fact that historically it was essentially the creation of the people of Wales themselves and has made a major contribution to the educational needs of the nation .
4 Faximum will port the product to a number of platforms including SCO 's Open Desktop .
5 In a number of countries including France and Italy , it is also apparent that a good deal of prominence attaches to the central union federations .
6 During 1563 a German , Daniel Höchstetter , obtained rights to prospect for minerals in a number of counties including Lancashire and Cumberland ( now Cumbria ) , and it appears that he was satisfied with the findings .
7 It will be available for a limited period in a number of pubs including the City of Mabgate and the Grove Inn in Leeds , the Marine Hall in Fleetwood , Cooky 's Devonshire Arms in Bradford .
8 However , they will be interested in the chapter on Corrosion control by surface coatings which deals with a number of systems including the principles of phosphating , and the use of chromates and lead and zinc based primers .
9 The Crown has claimed that by the time he was arrested in the summer of 1991 his alleged computer forays had breached security surrounding a number of systems including one at EC headquarters , another at a world famous centre for cancer research and treatment and others at various universities .
10 METRO RADIO is in preliminary talks with a number of companies including Radio Forth .
11 METRO RADIO is in preliminary talks with a number of companies including Radio Forth .
12 A number of materials including metals are superconductors at very low temperatures .
13 Money for the leukaemia fund was raised through a number of activities including a non-uniform day , a Christmas concert , a carol service collection , together with individual and parental contributions .
14 I won the 100 metres , beating a number of Europeans including one of my main rivals for the Championships in Stuttgart , Frank Emmelmann of East Germany , who had won in Athens four years earlier .
15 The mid-1960s saw the mill part of BP Chemicals , raw materials for the site being stored in a number of locations including old mills at Dudbridge and Eastington .
16 The exercise involved the generation of a number of options including a growth in the budget , standstill and a re-ordering of priorities .
17 He has been examining a number of options including staging both on Tuesday September 21 .
18 The discovery of undisclosed borrowing and falsified accounting by Rothwells had led to charges against a number of businessmen including Connell and Bond .
19 They will provide facilities for accessing important data bases such as those produced by the Central Statistical Office and the Bank of England , the management of the user 's own data base , the display of data and a number of analyses including various regression methods , two and three stage least squares , full information maximum likelihood and Kalman filters .
20 When the next Grand Duke , Ferdinando I , was married in 1589 , the music for the dramatic intermedii ( again devised by Bardi ) was composed by a number of musicians including Cristoforo Malvezzi ( 1547–97 ) , Marenzio , Caccini , Bardi himself , Emilio de Cavalieri ( c. 1550–1602 ) , and Malvezzi 's pupil , Jacopo Peri ( 1561–1633 ) .
21 In the report CNP calls for a number of proposals including — abandoning the 1998 deadline for renewable energy subsidies ; enabling grants to run for 15 years from the start of any one project ; issuing planning policy guidance on how to deal with planning applications , and giving encouragement to offshore wind generation which they claim could provide 50% of energy needs .
22 The appellant committed a number of offences including stealing cheque books and using the cheques to obtain cash and various goods ; stealing a car which was then sold with false number plates , and two burglaries and the theft of another car .
23 Previous convictions : both offenders had convictions for a number of offences including burglary , all dealt with summarily .
24 The beautiful ‘ Descent into Limbo ’ from the collection of Mrs Barbara Johnson has been dated by the Metropolitan 's Keith Christiansen ( curator of the paintings section ) to around 1492 , but in the opinion of a number of scholars including David Landau , the exhibition 's organiser , there are strong stylistic arguments for placing it much earlier in the artist 's oeuvre .
25 It can be caused by a number of agents including bacteria , drugs , and excess alcohol , but of serious concern is hepatitis caused by one of several hepatitis viruses .
26 Sponsors are offered a number of benefits including promotion of brand names at events and on publicity material , access to key sectors of Lothian 's population , and exposure on TV and radio campaigns .
27 It has also been helped with funding from the Museums and Galleries Commission , together with a number of foundations including the Henry Moore Foundation , The Pilgrim Trust and the J. Paul Getty Charitable Trust .
28 The course covered a number of matters including cosmetology .
29 I enclose an extract copy of the relevant section of the Annual Report and Accounts ( 1991/92 ) which gives information on a number of departments including the Department of Management and Information Services .
30 In a statement , deputies noted that the Jan. 23 decision ran contrary to a number of treaties including the Dec. 8 agreement on the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States [ see p. 38654 ] and the 1975 CSCE Helsinki Final Act .
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