Example sentences of "a [adv] develop [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hagfishes have a weakly developed symmetrical tail and the web is supported by poorly developed cartilage rods without associated muscles .
2 His son , Charles I , however , who possessed both a highly developed aesthetic sense and a strong attachment to decorum and order , found the ceremonialism and sacramentalism of the Arminians extremely appealing .
3 Charcoal is prepared from vegetable matter and petroleum , and ‘ activation ’ creates a highly developed internal pore structure , thereby increasing the surface area from 2–4 m 2 /g to more than 1000m 2 /g .
4 The nationalist movements and the new nations which made their appearance after the Second World War thus displayed features which distinguish them in some ways from the earlier movements which led to the formation of nation states in Western Europe , because they arose in a very different international context — in a highly developed capitalist world economy , in the aftermath of a division of the world among powerful imperialist nations , and in the midst of political transformations resulting from the growth of the socialist movement .
5 It was not just that he was unversed in Washington mores ; he was also a deeply religious man with a highly developed moral sense .
6 Already a highly developed multipurpose recreation area , plans for further development have generated concerns about wildlife protection , especially in relation to a herd of bighorn sheep whose range includes Mount Allan that houses one of the main Olympic pistes .
7 Underlying all of these seems to be a highly developed magnetic sense .
8 Some animals appear to have a highly developed magnetic sense and use magnetic variations to find their way around .
9 Like most nocturnal hunters , it possesses a highly developed optical system that can reflect the dullest ray of light through the pupils .
10 Mr Palmer told the jury of eight men and four women that the pathologist also found that she was carrying a normally developed male child of between 30 and 32 weeks .
11 The convention established the International Civil Aviation Organization with its headquarters in Montreal and set up a secretariat which would become a most effective machine for ensuring that a rapidly developing civil aviation industry was not hampered by the red tape generated by the hundreds of frontiers that would have to be crossed .
12 A focus upon changing aspects of a rapidly developing local community embracing social , technological and ecological perspectives had a number of advantages in the eyes of the library committee : ( 1 ) they wanted to begin something that was ongoing and to which resources could be added ;
13 In addition , consultancy , training and information , including a new bi-monthly magazine Adviser and a specially developed electronic database — ‘ Lawtel ’ — are available to all UK CABx .
14 ‘ Epocha Ceauşescu ’ , became the shorthand both in official propaganda to justify every acclaimed new success in building a multi-laterally developed socialist society and in ordinary people 's bitter sarcasm when confronted by another breakdown in supplies of energy or food .
15 Ireland has a well developed educational system that supplies good candidates for science and technology courses .
16 At a period when Residents had no clerks and were lucky if they possessed a typewriter , Lugard was listing some thirty different sets of records which either had to be kept or sent in , dealing with every conceivable aspect of a fully developed civil administration from postal matters to canoe registration .
17 By contrast the key feature of a fully developed nervous system is its specificity , the precise set of connections by which a signal beginning at a particular sensory cell runs in a defined route , ending in some effector cell , a private line , essentially insulated from the multitude of other neurons within the system .
18 The formal experiments and innovations on which Picasso was about to embark , and which were to result in a fully developed Cubist language were too innovative , too complex and demanding to be developed or pursued within the context of multifigure compositions .
19 Nizan 's disappointment at the realisation that the new Soviet society was still very much in its infancy , and that a fully developed Soviet state , liberated from morbid thoughts of death , was still only a distant future possibility , merely served to heighten his anger at what he perceived as the limitless class oppression of French society : hunger , poverty , torture , war .
20 Within a fully developed multicellular organism , most cells are non-dividing ( G0 phase of the cell cycle ) , but they retain the option of returning to the cell cycle usually when activated by growth factors .
21 Her body does not make an enzyme called Adenosine Deaminase ( ADA ) which is needed for a fully developed immune system .
22 Police officers investigating the case were shown to have tampered with confession evidence and altered interview notes , a newly developed electrostatic document analysis test having indicated that interview notes were not contemporaneous .
23 The Polytechnic 's case for retaining teacher education was based on four main arguments : that it was the only public sector institution of higher education in the Principality which provided the full integration of teacher education with the remainder of the higher education system ; that the proposals would leave the largest education authority in Wales employing the largest number of teachers , without involvement in teacher education ; that the Polytechnic had already stopped recruiting for the Certificate of Education course , in line with the DES policy of seeking an all-graduate profession , and in September 1976 had attracted the largest number of teacher-training students with a minimum of two GCE A levels in the Principality ; and that the Polytechnic was being called upon to make a disproportionate sacrifice because it would have to drop its Dip.HE/BEd. programme which was a basic component of a newly developed integrated system of degree courses .
24 This can sometimes be avoided by the use of a newly developed stent exchanger .
25 The histological specimens from 1986 are insufficient for analysis of the other patient with a newly developed carcinoid tumour .
26 This materials is made from a newly developed synthetic fibre which resists stains and allows marks to be removed simply by using soap , water and a clean cloth .
27 The Soviet Union agreed to purchase US$730,000,000 worth of sugar , nickel , citrus , and pharmaceutical products including a newly developed Cuban vaccine against hepatitis B.
28 For instance , a nationwide rise in fertility rate would produce a much larger increase in the number of births in a recently developed new town with an above-average proportion of young couples than in a retirement area with a population of similar size .
29 The object of the research is to look at corporate strategy and structure in the aerospace and airline sectors using a recently developed analytical technique , synergy mapping .
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