Example sentences of "a [noun] accuse [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A MOTORIST accused of killing two young girls was remanded in custody yesterday for his own safety .
2 A DRAMATIC revelation of a sex scandal halted the trial of a husband accused of plotting to kill his second wife yesterday .
3 A WIFE accused of punching a woman who had an affair with her husband has been cleared of assault .
4 A WIFE accused of having her husband killed as he fed a family of fox cubs was jeered by his relatives when she appeared before magistrates yesterday .
5 As Box puts it , a person accused of stabbing someone is not likely just to be charged with ‘ carrying an offensive weapon ’ .
6 A teenager accused of blinding a woman pensioner by throwing acid into her face is being treated in a prison hospital wing after an apparent suicide attempt .
7 A teenager accused of attempting to murder a police inspector has been cleared on the orders of a judge .
8 A woman accused of hiring a hitman to murder her former boyfriend has denied that she wanted him killed .
9 A jury has been told that a woman accused of trying to kill her ex-boyfriend for the insurance money had no motive .
10 A woman accused of stealing thousands of pounds from a charity which she helped set-up has been remanded in custody .
11 A woman accused of stealing thousands of pounds from a charity that she helped set up has made a further appearance in court .
12 A NURSE yesterday told how a colleague accused of murdering four children had been quick to summon help for a sick baby .
13 A SECOND prosecution against a firm accused of supplying machine tools to Iraq in breach of an export ban was expected to be dropped today .
14 THE jury trying the case of a man accused of robbing a supermarket and shooting two people who tried to stop him was discharged last night after failing to reach a verdict .
15 A MAN accused of murdering Essex supermarket worker Barry Bradford has been remanded in custody .
16 A man accused of murdering his mother and father has been sent to the crown court for trial .
17 A man accused of murdering a police informer has been cleared .
18 The jury in the trial of a man accused of murdering his girlfriend 's cousin will be sent out to consider its verdict tomorrow .
19 He was giving evidence in the trial of a man accused of murdering his wife .
20 A man accused of murdering one pub customer and injuring another , has claimed he was acting in self defence .
21 A MAN accused of murdering his pregnant wife told colleagues things about his marriage that ‘ just did n't fit ’ Liverpool Crown Court was told today .
22 A judge last night ordered a retrial in the case of a man accused of murdering a sex offender after a jury at Newcastle Crown Court failed to reach a verdict .
23 A man accused of stealing money from a Gulf War charity has had all charges against him dropped .
24 A MAN accused of stealing nearly £4,000 from a Christmas fund has been committed for trial at crown court .
25 A MAN accused of holding his girlfriend hostage at gunpoint at a house in Darlington for two days over Easter appeared in court yesterday .
26 A MAN accused of attacking an Essex police dog handler could face a re-trial .
27 A MAN accused of attacking two girls while posing as a taxi driver had confessed to the crimes during a tape-recorded interview , it was claimed yesterday .
28 The appeal hinged on an earlier ruling that magistrates were right to throw out the case of a man accused of failing to provide samples because the sheet was ‘ bad for duplicity ’ .
29 A MAN accused of having sex with a 15-year-old schoolgirl walked free yesterday — so that he can marry her .
30 A verdict 's expected tomorrow in the trial of a man accused of attempting to murder his wife .
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