Example sentences of "a [noun] which is all " in BNC.

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1 Yet no one , it seems , can discover what lies behind Graham 's complaint — a condition which is all the more curious because on the surface his skin , while rather pale , seems quite normal .
2 ‘ The film has a bite which is all too frequently missing in the cinema , ’ he wrote .
3 Under the infliction of their memories , and prompted by a self-examination which is all the more rigorous for coming so tardily , his artificial , public self collapses and the real man , the ordinary human being , emerges .
4 This explicit relating of theory to practice is a feature which is all too often missing in texts written about language teaching .
5 If US generic production seems more dynamic than that of the UK , it is because the economy is driven by difference as much as by repetition : while the one secures recognition of a welcome familiarity , the other differentiates this familiar object from all competitors and discovers the ‘ exploitation angles ’ which will make it different and completely unexpected within a genre and a medium which is all too familiar .
6 It was tiny but a reminder that there are still poisonous snakes in the region — a fact which is all too easy to forget .
7 Their primary audiences may differ , as may some of their aims and , in consequence , their modes of analysis and communication , but quite a few of their findings and methods are the same , a fact which is all too often ignored , at least by ourselves — the consumers of our wares often make far less of a distinction .
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