Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] ' union " in BNC.

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1 The position of the master craftsmen was maintained through a strong steelworkers ' union .
2 His popular wife , who was a National Farmers ' Union branch secretary before the birth of their children , is seen in the constituency as calm and strong , but also gentle and kind .
3 A National Farmers ' Union ( NFU ) proposal to halt over-production has been warmly welcomed by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) .
4 The card is a valuable source of income for the University , with every penny raised going towards refurbishment costs of a new students ' union .
5 Ben Tillett , Tom McCarthy and Tom Mann , general secretary , organizer and president respectively of an enlarged Dockers ' Union became the original strike leaders , with John Burns coming later on to the scene .
6 On May 28 four people were killed when a demonstration in Freetown by students in support of teachers ' demands was broken up by police after a police station had been stoned ; earlier a meeting attempting to establish an independent teachers ' union was also broken up by the authorities .
7 Delegates representing miners in most Soviet coalfields held a week-long congress in mid-June in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk , at which it was decided in principle to set up an independent miners ' union .
8 An All-Russian Peasants ' Union was formed and at its first congress , which met in secret in July , it demanded the abolition of private property in land and the convening of a constituent assembly .
9 Phrases such as striving for the setting up of a ‘ Workers ’ republic' and the establishment of ‘ public ownership ’ were excised , as they were seen by the members of an affiliated teachers ' union , and ultimately by the bishops , to counter church doctrine ( Whyte 1980 : 82–4 ; Keogh 1982 : 7 , 77 n.5 ) .
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