Example sentences of "a [adv] active [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Guerreiro had been widely criticized among environmentalists and Indian organizations for failing to take a sufficiently active role in defending native peoples ' interests .
2 Developers were obliged to adopt a highly active role in locating land .
3 What is not in doubt is that there is a highly active market in take-overs in the UK , and therefore not surprisingly managements do commonly take steps to safeguard their positions .
4 As the family grew up the wife could take a less active part in the farm work especially when the son left school but occasionally they found it difficult to settle back into a domestic routine .
5 Encouraging parents to take a more active part in their children 's learning is persuading the customer to do more work .
6 It may be just a surface for bacteria or may play a more active part in filtration .
7 It proposes , among other things , that auditors should report on ‘ the proper conduct of the company 's affairs ’ and on ‘ future risks attaching to the company ’ and be responsible to ‘ a wider interest group ’ than the shareholders , and that shareholders should play a more active part in auditors ' appointment and remuneration .
8 The role of the counsellor is to help the individual in this process , first in understanding and determining his or her particular goals , making sure they are realistic or indeed , sufficiently ambitious ; second , to help decide how best they can be achieved ; and third , to help the individual come to terms with retirement , and to play a more active part in its outcome .
9 An elderly person in weakening health may be able to exert more power in the family and even to prevail on a disengaged family member to play a more active part in discussion and in regular visiting ( Bogo , 1987 ) .
10 Representatives from out-patient teams played a more active part in stressful daily decisions about child care management .
11 One idea is that judicial review procedure should be more ‘ inquisitorial ’ and should allow the court to take a more active part in the finding of facts and the calling of evidence relevant to wider issues raised by the case but which the parties themselves might have no strong incentive to call .
12 student representation on regional SKILL ( the National Bureau of Students with Disabilities ) and on the local Disability Forum which is now encouraging disabled students to take a more active part in issues relating to access , employment , education and housing ;
13 Arguably , too , the listener to recorded music is in a position to take a more active part in the music , by deciding how and when to listen by being able to ‘ edit ’ recordings to make up his or her own programmes on cassette tape .
14 Erm and I think the Labour motion actually ensures that the County Council takes a more active part in addressing these issues as soon as possible .
15 However , Shreeves 's departure could mean Venables taking a more active part in team affairs , with Doug Livermore possibly promoted from his current position as first team coach .
16 He sat for his home town of Stafford in the second Protectorate Parliament of 1656–8 , but is recorded as a more active speaker in the 1659 Parliament of Richard Cromwell [ q.v . ] .
17 Extending the Countryside Rangers ' education programmes to encourage local groups and community councils and residents to take a more active interest in their surroundings .
18 Indeed , another type of initiative which was eligible for three-year education support grant from 1990–91 was projects enabling teachers to play a more active role in relation to non-attendance .
19 Those of us with responsibility in the energy field must take a more active role in combating apathy .
20 The attempt to galvanise the Commonwealth at last October 's Harare summit into playing a more active role in support of human rights also represents a welcome if belated shift .
21 A workshop on Student Media for Social Change has motivated students from Indonesia and other parts of Asia to play a more active role in pressing for human rights and democracy in their countries .
22 This has been one reason for the increasing prominence of work groups at local level often demanding greater autonomy and a more active role in policy formulation than that provided by the official union structure .
23 Other ideas which might appeal are conservation work or playing a more active role in politics by joining your local party association .
24 Now trade officials are talking about yet another deadline in mid-December , it seems as if the EC may at last be ready to play a more active role in liberalising world trade , thanks largely to goading from its energetic new trade commissioner , Sir Leon Brittan .
25 But the argument of this paper has been that the most effective learning occurs when the child is allowed to take a more active role in the process .
26 Second , governments play a more active role in influencing the volume of new housing as well as the quality and quantity of housing than they do in the case of other consumer goods .
27 They should perhaps look to take a more active role in initiating advocacy projects by funding development work with local users and with agencies such as the Citizens ' Advice Bureau which have developed expertise in this area .
28 The code , amending many existing laws on investment , taxation and licensing as part of a liberalization of the economy , was , according to a government statement , designed to " entice private and public investors of local and foreign origin to take a more active role in promoting the development of our national economy " .
29 In return for a freer hand in the currency market private dealers were expected to play a more active role in industrial investment .
30 But she could n't help wishing he had offered to take a more active role in the affair .
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