Example sentences of "a [adv] [vb pp] political [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a properly organized political community the state exists for society and not society for the state ; yet , however socially advanced a people may be , the society which it constitutes made up of families , clubs , churches , trade unions , etc. — is not to be trusted to maintain itself without the ultimate arbitrament of force .
2 Before 1945 , however , local government had been a crucially contested political arena and major initiatives had taken place in relation to social policies , often in opposition to the government of the day .
3 A highly placed political source said politicians and community workers , while opposed to the violence , had been acting as intermediaries between the UFF/UVF and senior Government officers .
4 A highly placed political source said politicians and community workers , while opposed to the violence , had been acting as intermediaries between the UFF/UVF and senior Government officers .
5 In a highly charged political atmosphere it was a short step from dispute with the authorities over student issues to broader criticism of the socio-political structure .
6 John Mackintosh has described a convention as " a generally accepted political practice , " arguing that it was necessary to deduce its nature and scope by observing and analysing the conduct of government and politics in similar situations over the years .
7 The proposal for the Assembly came originally from Chaianan Samudavanij , a well known political scientist .
8 The most significant Cabinet change was in July 1991 when Rabuka rejoined the government [ see also below ] , and Public Utilities Minister Apisai Tora was dismissed for accepting the presidency of a newly created political party .
9 The Bloc Québecois , a newly formed political group committed to achieving sovereignty for Quebec , recorded a decisive by-election win in east-central Montreal on Aug. 13 .
10 The Russian news agency ITAR-TASS reported on Nov. 23 that Aliyev had accepted election as leader of a newly formed political party , Yeni Azerbaijan ( New Azerbaijan ) , set up as a constructive opposition .
11 Apart from some nationalist organizations in the non-Russian republics , only the CPSU could be considered a solidly established political party ( and even it was riven by numerous factions ) .
12 voting models , viewing public choices as the outcome of an explicitly specified political process , typically majority voting ;
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