Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [is] therefore [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , if you are married or divorced , the other parent will usually be legally responsible for the children when you die and your right to appoint a guardian is therefore more restricted .
2 A complement is therefore highly marked in this position and indicates a more conscious effort on the part of the speaker/writer to highlight this particular element as his/her point of departure .
3 Conversion efficiency as a percentage is therefore usually expressed as : or the proportion of the useful energy produced to the energy content of the fuel that produced it .
4 A product is therefore not a module , it is merely a title for the whole package to be issued as a single piece of software .
5 In languages such as Arabic , verbs frequently occur in thematic position and the fronting of a predicator is therefore not a marked thematic choice .
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