Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [coord] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He said he 'd put them away for a bit and give them to Oliver when he started smoking again .
2 When will the Secretary of State make a decision and give us an answer on that most important issue ?
3 Jackie was asked if she would take a Thoroughbred mare who had been abandoned in a field and give her a home as a brood mare — but part of the deal was that she also took the pony who had been left with her .
4 His hands sometimes stopped shaking long enough for him to light a fag or give his teeth the once-over with Pepsodent , but that was every other Scumday in a month with a zed in it .
5 They may also write letters to Sinterklaas setting out what gifts they would like to receive , or do a drawing or give him a small present .
6 Remember you can not receive a confrontation and give one at the same time .
7 They spoke good Spanish : if they promised to interpret for me , I said , I 'd rent a car and give them a ride .
8 The case was subsequently dismissed but a rumour arose that Andrew Mellon had done a deal with Roosevelt , offering to build a gallery and give his collection to the nation if the administration would stop hounding him . ]
9 The council has lost the opportunity to demonstrate that the Community can respond to a crisis and give its policies on fisheries some credibility .
10 I 'll take over his boat for you , sell it and my own , set up as a privateer and give you a quarter share , so 's you 'll have a bit of income to live on . "
11 And they 'll actually sit down and work that out for people and encourage them to go for a job and give them all the forms they need to claim Family Credit or whatever .
12 After a large crusade the Jeffreys would appoint a leader and give him the task of planting a new church with the fruits of the crusade .
13 And I hope you have n't gone to any trouble cooking for me because I can barely keep owt down these days , not after t'hospital , me appetite quite sickened away on me wi' the things they serve up — greasy bits o' beef skirt and nasty little salads wi' half a two-week old egg and a few outside leaves o' lettuce and a bit o' wet beetroot , no , it was an effort getting it down , let alone keeping it down — I can tell you , there was many as could n't , eggs from t'infernal regions we got for us breakfast as often as not , right stink bombs , but could you get any o' them nurses to have a sniff or give us another i'stead ?
14 And when he would arrive from Barnard Castle with a heavy load of shopping on a bicycle and give me a nice round bun he would buy as a special treat from a shop called Guy 's .
15 Another ploy I have heard suggested is to knit a garment and give it to , say , a friend to wear at the office .
16 ‘ The only problem is , my car is going in for a service , so maybe you could do me a favour and give me a lift there ?
17 So we 've looked at asking question visuals We 've got involving trainees which , with which we talking about involving trainees think about this side of it erm I suppose this is one of the best ways to show Training should be chunky The idea is that you put in your input yeah you talked around a subject and give you some guidelines , then we get a chance to practise the participation .
18 Time after time , people would slowly open a drawer and give me something they knew perfectly well they 'd had all the time I 'd been visiting them and talking to them , but the moment was now right .
19 But I totally disagree with what she said in that erm yesterday I sat glued to the television most of the day , really to keep myself up to date on what was going on , erm I also have a baby but I managed to keep him occupied as well as take him out for a walk and give him his lunch and what have you .
20 But the brother of chat-show host Jonathan Ross lived up to his crime-busting image and immediately pulled over to lend a hand and give himself up to police .
21 No , in my hand cut me a jack and give me two .
22 If you do and they complete a report and give you their best advice you can still say no thank you I 'm going to put it in the building society .
23 Never put flavoured drinks in a bottle and give them only to quench thirst .
24 I know I have n't anything to offer her and that it might be years before I could afford to run a house and give her the kind of life style she 's used to , so I would n't expect Sir Philip to agree to it for a long while . ’
25 Set down ten pairs of cards , pick them up in a pack and give them to onlookers to cut a few times .
26 It has been said before but we must go on saying it until it happens : call a referundum and give us a vote .
27 Properly installed — and full instructions accompany the Sleep-safe Smoke Alarm — a smoke detector will warn you of smouldering in the earliest stages of a fire and give you the vital few minutes that really could make the difference between death and survival .
28 Do not subject the person to any sudden extreme changes of temperature — so do not put them next to a fire or give them hot water bottles or heavy layers of clothes or blankets .
29 What we 're trying to do is to write cricket bats , so that when we throw up an idea and give it a little knock , it might … travel …
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