Example sentences of "and apart from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Resumption of power operations is scheduled by mid-September and apart from a further short shutdown to refuel early in 1994 , PFR will continue to generate electricity up until March 1994 .
2 She spent a lot of time on her hair , making quite sure it was fixed on top of her head with not one softening wisp showing , and apart from a little eyeshadow and a small amount of pale lip-gloss she dispensed with the make-up .
3 And apart from a severed , waxen head , on a pole , for starters , there is a pair of stone-carved heads of Celtic Deiters one of them Janus fashion , double sided from Corstopitum and the first century AD .
4 New industries and housebuilding in the south and east of the country led to a growth rate which rivalled that of the mid-Victorian era , and apart from a minor dip in the statistics in 1937 — 8 the sustained restructuring and recovery of the economy created many new jobs and reduced rates of unemployment in all but the most depressed areas dependent on the declining staple industries .
5 And apart from a next-to-useless photograph all we have — ’
6 I have used the tent on many occasions and apart from the usual condensation most nylon flysheets produce , it has given excellent performance .
7 Eight European countries were represented at the meeting , and apart from the official business conducted there , it was extremely useful to chat informally about matters of common interest .
8 Publicity is therefore essential and apart from the regular posters and leaflets , hospital radios and newsletters are also being exploited to get the service across .
9 Well apart from allowing them to breathe , and apart from the sheer fun of it , it appears that by leaping out of the water they actually conserve energy when swimming at high speeds ( Journal of the Marine Biological Association .
10 Willie returned to the dots and apart from the occasional wobble he wrote ‘ William ’ in a remarkably smooth hand .
11 A girl I vaguely knew from the village was standing there with tears streaming down her face and apart from the occasional sob from her we stood there in stony silence .
12 For 50 years every day the trains have brought supplies in and out of Bicester Garrison and apart from the occasional hiccup , like when they discovered 2,000 left boots , they kept the British Army going whereever they are in the world .
13 No phones — Cawthorne would have mobiles — and apart from the two benches for the machinery and a single typist 's swivel chair , nothing else .
14 The Season opens in May , and apart from the fixed Luxembourg dates we 've made no other announcements . ’
15 And apart from the glazed doting madness in their eyes .
16 The worst thing by far , and what I can never get used to , is that we went around Europe with them for a month , living with them , sleeping in the same room , and apart from the odd bit of nagging , everything was fine .
17 The graphics are n't particularly inspired : the scenery 's pretty drab , the enemy aircraft look just like yours , and apart from the odd multiple-shots-to-kill barrage balloon that 's all there is !
18 But by then the military phase of the Emergency was nearly over , and apart from the odd border patrol , the Masai were given no further opportunity to distinguish themselves in battle .
19 ‘ The inspectors were perfectly pleasant and apart from the odd query you 'd hardly know they were there , ’ said Mr Dicketts .
20 Photography is a highly specialised business and apart from the odd record shot it is not usually a good idea for the PRO to take his or her own photographs .
21 The products are good enough to need little in the way of revamping and apart from the odd addition to the range or a change of packaging little of any interest happens to the product .
22 Staying cloudy in most places although a few bright intervals at possible and apart from the odd chance of a light shower it should stay dry milder than of late top temperature eleven celsius fifty two fahrenheit mist and patchy fog will form tonight and drizzle is likely in places too the overnight low eight celsius forty six fahrenheit mist and fog clearing slowly tomorrow a dull start it should brighten up later on though sunny intervals developing the high tomorrow thirteen degrees .
23 The style that Rosa Guy uses in ‘ The Disappearance ’ is in the third person singular and apart from the descriptive parts , a large majority of the book is written in dialogue form .
24 Standing in the centre of the set , Dane Jacobsen was a still , enigmatic presence , aloof and apart from the restless , chattering throng surrounding him .
25 And apart from the Bohemian Rhapsody news of the rest of the European football tonight and we have the double attacking spearhead of Colin Fray and Martin Fisher at the City ground and you listening to the classiest football cover on Radio Nottingham from five past seven .
26 At night everything looked different , the smaller canals were like a labyrinth , and apart from an occasional lamp it was quite dark when the moon was hidden .
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