Example sentences of "and place [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The fish were duly caught and placed one to a box , and taken to my friends home , to await their final packaging for the journey to England .
2 The Chinese believe that to stand on one leg while kicking with the other unbalances the practitioner and places him at a disadvantage .
3 His abolition of the subject carries with it the demise of the individual as the locus of knowledge and agency , and places him in a position where , as we saw , there can be no question of compromise with individualism .
4 The man takes my hands in his and places them within the box and around the point of life .
5 To ‘ freeze-dry ’ his wigs , David simply applies gel to the wigs and places them in the freezer for 30 minutes !
6 I was particularly taken by Patricia Routledge , unmistakeable even looking through a letter box , and by Lionel Jeffries for his affecting rendition of : The troops are ready to mutiny , The colonel is missing or dead , When up steps a bold , young lieutenant And places himself at the head .
7 A university congregates together that type of personality and places it at the disposal of the succeeding generation .
8 The leader then calls for items , and the first person from one of the teams brings the article and places it on the chair .
9 The literary text may negotiate with its containment ( as Shakespeare 's do ) , but its contemporary subversive force has been compromised by the political dominance of state power which excludes it from the centre and places it on the margins of socially sanctioned institutions .
10 It provides also for management of resources outside the EEZs , both high-seas fish stocks and the resources of the sea bed ; the latter it declares to be ‘ the common heritage of mankind ’ and places it under the control of an International Sea-bed Authority .
11 Other patients give a negative skin-prick test but respond positively to an intradermal test ( see p 288 ) , which is more ‘ sensitive ’ because it uses more antigen and places it in a deeper layer of the skin .
12 Once again , start with the largest flowers and place one at the top and one at the bottom of the design , and then two staggered in the middle .
13 Take three potatoes of the same variety and place one in a cool dark place , expose one to daylight and one to fluorescent light .
14 Take two potatoes of the same variety and place one in the fridge on a high setting and the other in the vegetable rack for three days .
15 Then saddle ye my horse Bavieca , and arm him well ; and ye shall apparel my body full seemlily , and place me upon the horse , and fasten and tie me thereon so that it can not fall : and fasten my sword Tizona in my hand .
16 When pinning use needles , which are finer , and place them across the seam .
17 This can be done thus : take portions of a mature leaf and place them on a container of moist loam or sand and loam .
18 The procedure is to remove some of the gut contents from ‘ affected fish and place them on a microscope slide .
19 Her husband Harold was a lamplighter and when he came home from work he was obliged to take off his boots in the passage and place them on a sheet of newspaper before entering the inner sanctum .
20 Make the invitations in the shape of a skull and crossbones and place them on the door instead of balloons .
21 Then , with the right side of the garment facing the machine , pick up the stitches around the neck and place them on the machine .
22 They erm , what they do they drive these big Tugmasters now with these lorries so that they plant all these erm forty foot trailers with er with er erm with a container on and place them on the ship .
23 It would be possible to test a large sample of readers , who would read nine texts and place them on the network .
24 It is essential that we should do all that we can to take as many schools as possible out of local education authority control and place them under the control of governors and parents .
25 Spread the nachips with a thickish layer of refried beans and place them in a grill pan on a rack .
26 Peel , halve and core them and place them in a saucepan … cover with the wine and a broken cinnamon stick and heat until barely simmering … wash the monkfish and pat dry with kitchen paper … just as the liquid begins to caramelise , add the lemon juice and stir vigorously … reduced to a quarter of its original volume … add the cubes one at a time … thread the piece of monkfish … reserving the liquid … baste the fruit continuously … intersperse with pears … hand the sauce separately …
27 Using colouring , draw the face of each of the cards and place them in a fan on top of the cake .
28 Remove the yolks and place them in a dish with mayonnaise and onions and beat them with a fork .
29 Drain the beans and place them in a saucepan to cover with water .
30 Cut the mackerel fillets into cubes and place them in a large bowl .
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