Example sentences of "and especially the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In view of the high rates of unemployment in the Highlands and Islands and especially the Western Isles , these programmes have been taken particularly seriously there .
2 Third , the market — and especially the financial sector — is becoming increasingly global in nature .
3 I knew her husband was away on one of the seemingly endless ‘ summit , conferences governments of the world , and especially the Arab governments , invent to try to keep our human condition in existence .
4 Bearing in mind the numerical dominance of the Conservative Party , and the fact that ministers , and especially the Prime Minister , make the news and announce policy , I myself do not find the statistical advantage shown for that side of the House either surprising or disturbing .
5 Big organic molecules , and especially the nucleic acids of which genes are made ( see p 5 ) , are liable to be broken down by high-energy radiation , and in particular by the ultraviolet ( W ) light that is a component of sunlight .
6 The study analyses the stunted growth of this form of schooling and especially the complex reasons for its failure which is seen as a major defect in the formation of a skilled labour face in England , The research is based on the analysis of documentation in the Pro Kew and elsewhere .
7 The sheer recklessness and shortsightedness of the Commission , and especially the Franco-German axis within it , is nowhere clearer than in the GATT fiasco .
8 But more than that , all the goods , and especially the innumerable varieties of herring , have gone upmarket .
9 For the most part , however , the legacy of the movement remained less obviously political , and restricted in its appeal to fairly specific audiences in the cultural milieu and especially the visual arts .
10 So , whilst in the foregoing passage repressed homosexuality is construed as a cause of a violent and neurotic racism , elsewhere Fanon regards manifest homosexuality as an effect of the same neurotic racism , though now in a masochistic rather than a sadistic form , and especially the masochistic relation of the white man to the black man : ‘ There are , for instance , men who go to ‘ houses ' ’ in order to be beaten by negroes ; passive homosexuals who insist on black partners ' ( pp. 158 , 156 , 177 ) .
11 An approach to organizational politics which focuses on patterns of dominance goes beyond the by now familiar references in organization theory and public administration to the ‘ environment ’ of organizations and especially the political system , an example of which is found in Wamsley and Zald ( 1976 ) .
12 In human terms , the Soule , and especially the Upper Soule , is far emptier than either of the other Basque provinces and economically , by the look of it , quite a bit more backward .
13 Tell that to the marines , and especially the Japanese marines .
14 Since its submission for debate at the end of May the plan , and especially the swingeing price rises it entailed , had aroused fierce opposition among politicians and the public .
15 Also there were major repairs to property to decide on , as well as seasonal considerations , and orders to transmit , with regard to land use of many thousands of acres , the annual survey of cattle and horse stock and especially the great sheep-hirsels in the Lammermuir Hills , the wool from which , largely exported to Flanders and the Low Countries from Berwick-on-Tweed , constituted the lordship 's principal source of wealth .
16 With apologies to readers all over the glove ( and especially the innocent contributors ! ) herewith the real version ! :
17 It is a book that can be related closely to the age in which it was written , and especially the personal circumstances of its author , then a young classical scholar .
18 In his experience the British — and especially the noted economist , Lord Keynes — seemed too addicted to unorthodox and inflationary experiments .
19 For this reason , I can agree only cautiously with Bones ( 1986b : 66 ) who writes : " In my view , reggae music , and especially the deejaying aspect of the music , has established itself , without any doubt at all , as the principal transmitter of the Jamaican language ( Afro-lingua ) . "
20 The second was formally liquidated in Europe between 1848 and 1868 , though the situation of the impoverished and especially the landless peasantry in regions of large estates in southern and eastern Europe often remained semi-servile , in as much as it remained subject to overwhelming non-economic coercion .
21 In Germany the large shift in Jewish identity came in the eighteenth and especially the nineteenth centuries as no longer Yiddish but German became the first language for most Jews .
22 At the same time , most of the gentry — and especially the sea-going west country gentry — were staunchly Protestant , staunchly loyal to Elizabeth , and determined that she should not be lured back to Rome .
23 In neither respect , however , as recent work on the western and especially the German workforce in the pre-war period demonstrates , was the experience of the Russian working class unique .
24 Here , the aim of the global capitalist system is total inclusion of all classes , and especially the subordinate classes in so far as the bourgeoisie can be considered already included .
25 The Expressionists , and especially the leading Brücke painters Nolde , Erick Heckel , Ernst Kirchener , and Schmidt-Rottluff , were shown in Secession exhibitions , though the critics and public reacted mainly either with hostility or indifference .
26 Instead it was the popular classes themselves , and especially the petite bourgeoisie , that were the most salient social classes in relationship to the Parisian bourgeoisie .
27 This force in the French case was the ‘ popular classes ’ and especially the petite bourgeoisie .
28 But given the lengthiness of the dispute , the demands of other policework , and the regularity of ‘ trouble ’ , the ‘ permanent ’ mobile reserve , the SPG , became a routine feature of the policing of Grunwick , and especially the confrontational aspects .
29 ‘ Purely on an action level , ’ wrote the Daily Cinema , ‘ the aerial thrills — and especially the climactic raid which ends in tragedy — are strikingly staged . ’
30 Would n't you agree that American kids — and especially the American kids you portray in your movie — are stupid ?
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