Example sentences of "and especially [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The charm of Achiltibuie lies in the seaward prospect to a group of islands , the Summer Isles , and especially across the wide breadth of Loch Broom to the lofty heights beyond Dundonnell and Gairloch .
2 It is one of the world 's fastest-growing industries which has burgeoned since the Second World War , and especially since the 1960s .
3 It was not the first time that Islamist sympathizers had succeeded in having action taken against a literary work — this had happened in 1959 and especially since the late 1980s .
4 As Marx ( 1989 ) has discussed , the science of genetic engineering has been developed only since the 1940s and especially since the 1970s , but its origins really began with the efforts of Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel who , in the mid-nineteenth century , established the principles of heredity .
5 In concrete terms this means that people entering the workforce in recent decades , and especially since the early 1970s , have increasingly taken jobs in banks , offices , shops , restaurants , schools , hospitals and other service enterprises instead of following their parents into working in factories .
6 On the other hand there 's a certain inertia principle operating , it is always easier for an administration to do less than to do more in dealing with the Middle East , and especially with the central Palestine problem .
7 And allied to this are concerns about ‘ not getting the results ’ and about one 's reputation with colleagues in general , and especially with the senior staff whose opinion can make or break a career .
8 The survival of many stone walls and buildings , and especially churches , from the centuries of this book , testifies that even before the mid twelfth century their wealth and pride and religious sentiment were sufficient to beautify them in lasting materials — and often , and especially with the smaller ones , their condition reflects the declining prosperity of later centuries which saved their older buildings from being replaced .
9 The custard-skin type of surface is not as common as the rubbly type , but it is often particularly well-developed on oceanic volcanoes , and especially on the Hawaiian islands .
10 There had been a phenomenally heavy snowstorm in Baldersdale , and especially on the loftier peaks .
11 Very often there were problems getting everything done to time , and especially on the first season , availability of scripts for Monday morning was the cause of many a delay .
12 However , the attention lavished on the Conservative party , and especially on the Conservative Party 's ideas , in the past few years has only served to emphasize the relative neglect of Conservative history and Conservative thought before Mrs Thatcher .
13 Harvey Pitcher , doing research on nineteenth century Arran writers and painters and especially on the wealthy Muir family who rented houses for many years on Arran , has given me this delightful little gem .
14 Will my right hon. Friend arrange an early debate on education , and especially on the local authorities ' responsibilities and their relationship with Government in terms of school organisation , so that I may highlight the need for an early decision on proposals to reorganise schools in Ealing , where parents , teachers and children will be greatly affected by those decisions ?
15 Jung seemed to have lost the emphasis on the body , and especially on the sexual instincts , which Freud retained in all his work .
16 He also announced cautious proposals to revive the economy , promising a relaxation in current wage controls and increased subsidies for housing , for health services , and especially for the agricultural sector [ see below for farmers ' protests ] .
17 Of particular concern has been exploring ways and means of reconciling the requirements of security with the practical need for easier access generally and especially for the unhindered trolley routes for books and papers .
18 They are depicted on coins particularly of the period of the Roman empire , and especially for the two hundred years between AD 50 and 250 .
19 Sincere thanks to all the walkers and especially to the many sponsors for their generosity , also to the support team .
20 The decline of purity feminism in the 1920s and 1930s needs to be seen in relation to the overall decline of feminism , and especially to the unmitigated hostility of male sex reformers .
21 It is difficult for the twentieth-century , non-Jewish reader of the Gospels to appreciate just how radical Jesus appeared to his contemporaries , and especially to the religious establishment , who held such a powerful position in Jewish life .
22 It caused a lot of financial pain to a lot of people , and especially to the fast operators in the City who were over-extended with investments in secondary stocks and flashy shell companies .
23 Assignments such as this — and the recruitment of Colin Marshall from Avis to the newly-privatised British Airways for Lord King by Miles Broadbent — made an important contribution to Russell Reynolds ' global earnings , and especially to the growing personal wealth of Reynolds himself , still holding a 60% stake in the equity .
24 It will be illuminating and helpful to present the Church ‘ in the under-developed countries as the Church of all , and especially of the poor ’ .
25 But in general , and especially at the highest creative level , words were redundant .
26 Nowadays , and especially under the younger leaders of the Soviet Union who had not known the horrors of the Second World War , they used assassination very sparingly indeed .
27 The relationship between the judiciary and the Government has been changed by developments over the last twenty years and especially over the last five years or so .
28 Interethnic relations , Gorbachev conceded in his speech to the 28th Party Congress in July 1990 , had deteriorated since the congress before it , and especially over the previous few months .
29 Over them all , and especially over the little pupil Sophy , broods the ghost of the brilliant and beautiful Violet , Sophy 's mother .
30 How have patterns of support between members of the same kin group changed in Britain over time , and especially over the past two centuries ?
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