Example sentences of "and wait [prep] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But this issue has not been the subject of legislation , nor previously been considered by this court or the House of Lords , and in such circumstances the alternatives are either to dismiss the appeal despite the relevance of article 10 and wait for Parliament to reconsider the state of the law ; or , as the courts have from time to time demonstrated their ability and willingness to do , venture into relatively unchartered waters and declare the present state of the law .
2 They have heavy bodies , and sit and wait for prey to come to them , striking with unerring accuracy and speed at any small mammal as it passes .
3 We save our energies and wait for pneumonia to get him first , is that it ? ’
4 But is it not a fact in the real world that we prepare for war during peacetime by keeping our armed forces equipped and ready , rather than disbanding them and waiting until war breaks out before beginning to re-arm and train new forces ?
5 Ianthe realised from his triumphant expression that he had caught her out in a mistake and waited with resignation to hear what it was .
6 So we stayed where we were and waited with apprehension to see what would happen .
7 She curled up in her nest and waited for night to come .
8 Rogers and Lambert , Killion , Finlayson and Richards lay back and guffawed and waited for Woolley to do something abut it .
9 He said nothing and waited for Tolby to grasp the implications .
10 With his hands still covered in paint he lay down on the chilly sheets and waited for sleep to take his confusions away .
11 When that too was armed , he moved further forward , and waited for Mait to appear .
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