Example sentences of "and there appear to be " in BNC.

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1 I remember that you intended to do some copying ( I do n't know of what ) , and there appears to be a lead missing ( audio JVC to monitor Din : 2 pin ) .
2 The general condition of the boiler is very good and there appears to be not a great deal of work to be done .
3 British-born speakers tend to use London English most of the time anyway , and there appears to be no requirement to use Creole to respond to Creole utterances , at least from adults :
4 At the same time , s2(2) of SGA 1979 does specifically contemplate the sale by one part owner to another ( but compare Graff v Evans ( 1882 ) 8 QBD 373 ; Davies v Burnett [ 1902 ] 1 KB 666 ) and there appears to be nothing wrong , as a matter of legal principle , in treating this as a sale .
5 This has enabled S C F to persuade the Home Office 's prison department to run such facilities and budget for such facilities in every prison to be rebuilt and there appears to be no shortage of those , or designed from herein after .
6 The fourth variable is energy , and there appear to be two issues here .
7 There were still celebrated Marxist historians , such as E. P. Thompson , Eric Hobsbawm , Christopher Hill , and John Saville , but they were all at the veteran stage , and there appeared to be no significant youthful successors , as their creed withered throughout eastern Europe .
8 But our crowded islands were as vulnerable as Japan 's had been to atomic attack , and there appeared to be no sure defence against it .
9 Although there was a facility for central storage of information , localised filing systems were also in operation , and there appeared to be a large amount of duplication .
10 Both regions are famous for seafood , which we both love , and there appeared to be a reasonable number of airfields dotted about , ranging from little fields up in the mountains to Porto , one of Portugal 's only three Customs airports — the others are Lisbon and Faro .
11 Particularly significant was the fact that despite the Nordics ' supposed love of liberty the more authoritarian qualities were emphasized , and there appeared to be a shift from traditional nineteenth-century assumptions of Anglo-Saxon authority over colonial peoples to an elitist anti-democratic control of ‘ Nordics ’ over ‘ Mediterraneans ’ within British society .
12 He was thin , and there appeared to be dark patches growing in through the grey of his beard .
13 A momentary disorientation took him when he found that not only could he not move , but that he was staring straight up at the sky , and there appeared to be no ground underneath him .
14 The entire area had been roped off and there appeared to be policemen every ten yards .
15 Little detail was available on the needs of individual republics , and there appeared to be little co-ordination in the demands .
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