Example sentences of "and i wish [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 And I wish they would n't ask about Mum and Dad and Annie and Mrs Seaton .
2 I think they mean that I look fat and ugly and I wish they would keep their remarks to themselves .
3 NME has yet to print anything nasty about Kingmaker , and I wish they 'd hurry up and do something because NME are a completely unchallenging and boring music paper who do nothing to contribute to today 's thing .
4 Some of the lecturers keep saying in a lecture , ‘ this is somehow related to something else you 've done somewhere else ’ and I wish they 'd tell us how it 's related to something else because half the time we ca n't see that .
5 I do n't know what to do and I wish I 'd never become involved .
6 and I wish I 'd remember that fella I 'd had , I 'd tell him off
7 And I wish I could have spared more , for she was worth it . ’
8 I mean … well , I mean , I 'm not sorry to leave the school , leave here , but I 'm sorry to leave you , and I wish I could see you again .
9 Now , thirty years later , I feel a great regret for the father of my first four years , who took me out , and who probably loved me , irresponsibly ( " it 's all right for him ; he does n't have to look after you " ) , and I wish I could tell him now , even though he was , in my sister 's words , a sod , that I 'm sorry for my years of rejection and dislike .
10 Er and I wish I could give you , you know , a nice clear cut , definite answer but the Sale of Goods Act is rather vague on that point .
11 I know of only one or two couples who have managed to stay together when one partner has been unfaithful and I wish I could pluck up the courage to ask them how they 've done it .
12 You 've been very good , and I wish I could explain things , but I must ask you to accept that I ca n't .
13 I read in the paper about the gales where you are , and I wish I could magic you away and into the warm front room of our house .
14 Well , thought Spruce , recalling his Methodist boyhood , true enough , and I wish I could do the same right now .
15 Nearly three months on and I still miss France and I wish I could go back , but I 'm enjoying myself here in Debenham being close to all my friends and family .
16 He 's proud that Romeo & Juliet introduced children to both Shakespeare and Prokofiev ‘ in a way that makes them think it 's not culture and a bit boring and I wish I could go and watch Neighbours . ’
17 If you have to go home now , and I wish you would n't , then call me tomorrow and give me a date .
18 No , she said , I 've been there yesterday , but er I lost a brooch , and I wish you would be on the look out for it .
19 In fact , looking back , I ca n't think of anyone who ever understood her , except you , and I wish you would come and see her and take her out of herself .
20 This is the most splendid autumn we have had here , and I wish you could have enjoyed it with us .
21 I could n't get Nutty to wear that flowered frock you gave him , he 's dead ignorant and I wish you 'd send the lads to sort him out again .
22 I 've explained it often enough to you , Frank , and I wish you 'd accept what I say .
23 ‘ If you do n't mind , Damien , I think that 's my business , and I wish you 'd leave me alone . ’
24 ‘ Do n't be silly ; you know nothing about my career , pursued or otherwise , and I wish you 'd go away , ’ she added peevishly as she finally managed to drag her eyes from the grey warmth of his .
25 Well why 'd , I wish you would and I wish you 'd er , they 'd be a , what you needs is a concerted comprehensive effort from everybody be inconvenient as possible until the money stumps up do n't know where the money comes from though
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