Example sentences of "and i would have thought " in BNC.

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1 However , if Andropulos is not all he might be , then the chances are high that there is some other member of his ship 's company in his confidence and I would have thought that would be a man .
2 People like Mr Falk are trained and I would have thought that it is people like him who should be involved in such programmes .
3 And I would have thought that your solicitor was to be here to represent you .
4 And I would have thought that that was a disgraceful thing to do in a public , in the council to a , a sample being brought up and they were afraid to look at it .
5 people did call the number adopted or not , and I would have thought that was
6 He just managed to resist adding , ‘ Yours is twenty , and I would have thought the same went for her too . ’
7 And perhaps secondly erm there is not a body of information which has been submitted to er this examination public which advises you in detail on the various issues that we think need to be addressed leading to the erm proposal occasions and I would have thought it would have been difficult for the panel to come to a a conclusion but I may be wrong on that .
8 That is the way the planning system operates , erm and I would have thought that the Greater York experience , erm does perhaps suggest that there may be some look at erm on the question of the need for sub district guidance .
9 er in regard to er th the quote there has been no agreement on the line , that refers to the fact that agreement has to be m erm come about with the actual erm East Sussex County Council and Surrey County Council and that er although a joint meeting of Planning and Highways what , some two years ago , took a view as to the line , that has n't actually meant that there is agreement at this stage where the line can be implemented and I would have thought that 's what that refers to .
10 I would feel very happy that there was an under , under provision if I , if I refer to the agenda item twelve , where it says if I read it right that there is twenty three point six percent industrial floor space unoccupied at present and I would have thought it was crazy to start er erm coming up and building even more cos it will just put that figure up will it not ?
11 And I would have thought it could be accommodated with something like in relation to the Greater York area .
12 cos you 're Year Nine now , and I would have thought somewhere along the line that you 'd met this .
13 Now I understand er that you know we are providing public service here and we have got allow for public access but the cost of the council of having all its officers outside of this building for over er two hours must have been absolutely horrendous and I would have thought this would be an area where improving security ought to be a high priority so what are you going to do about it ?
14 ‘ It is not every week a side gets to meet the reigning world champions and I would have thought Andy Roxburgh would have got more support from his clubs .
15 And I would have thought us giving five percent and , and there are other provinces that are giving more will ensure at least the the on twelve thousand we pay next year and therefore , starting with eleven and half thousand we paid this year and that provinces and in ourselves went further than that it is possible .
16 but it 's not television , i i it 's , it 's Doctor Who and , and Prisoner and , you know er very interesting and very easy for enthusiasts to direct a lot of their time and energy to maybe I do n't maybe there was a increased pressure to work and study which was erm self motivated rather than being externally imposed , maybe he maybe there was a fundamental lack of enthusiasm in him for what is described as the hardware of computing , the , the , the , the , the instruments , the machines maybe there was a less than comprehensive understanding of what is known as the firmware , that 's to say I mean operating systems that are built into the thing to make it work , you 've got to understand the firmware because otherwise you do n't understand what the machine will think you mean and what that will do and I would have thought that whereas superficially you can ignore the firmware , it 's all in there , it understands as you , I would have thought , grew into a er a graduate computer scientist you 've got to have some idea about that .
17 and I would have thought it was absolutely great , you know , he really , I would have though had a stimulating , challenging lovely environment to , to , to be in , I , I , I , I , I hoped that if he was going , I thought he was going to go on , it was just going to be very expensive tt paying his fees , his this
18 I mean they are certainly the two most important things in my life , and I would have thought in most people 's — both work and good relationships with a family .
19 And I think it would actually need , if it 's going to be taken on board , somebody appointed to look at this , or it be put in somebody 's job brief and I would have thought ideally that it would be placed with the community worker , and I do n't know quite how we 're placed for community workers in East Oxford , but maybe it 's something we could put to that department .
20 ‘ It 's a tough old world and I 'd have thought you 'd learned that lesson in your line of work .
21 Cos I think last time we hired them from Staffordshire and I 'd have thought if they 're going to buy some they will be very happy to hire us them .
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