Example sentences of "and have [adv] yet [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So if anybody you know did that and has n't yet repaid them I would strongly advise you to do that .
2 She 's still undergoing treatment and has n't yet made a full recovery .
3 Bill stepped into this personalised galaxy aged 13 and has n't yet emerged .
4 Oxfam is regularly approached with inventions and has not yet decided whether it will be able to do something with the ’ friendly fuel ’ .
5 As was the case with others alleged to be implicated in this affair he left the colony , and has not yet returned , notwithstanding strenuous efforts on the part of the prosecuting authorities .
6 Benjamin ‘ Bibi ’ Netanyahu , the recently elected leader of the dispirited party , is concerned above all to maintain unity , and has not yet shown his own hand .
7 ‘ For forty years ’ , claimed a liberal statesman in 1855 , ‘ the middle class has governed the nation ; it has lost the New World , compromised the stability of society and has not yet learnt how to form a government . ’
8 Great Britain has lost an Empire and has not yet found a role Dean Acheson , West Point , 1962
9 Great Britain has lost an empire and has not yet found a role .
10 Besides , the temperature would continue to rise over the next few decades even if greenhouse gases stayed as they are , simply because the world is so slow to warm up , and has not yet responded to what is there already .
11 On it we would have found the names of other distinguished old Summerhillians … unfortunately , Eric has been delayed at Stonehenge , and has not yet got to grips with the design .
12 Compatibility With the exception of certain disk-fiddling utilities , as previously mentioned , Xtradrive exists very happily with everything we 've thrown at it , and has not yet provided any cause for palpitations or sticky moments of any description .
13 More recently formed LSW , however , is considerably colder and fresher than previously formed LSW and has not yet spread beyond the Irminger Basin .
14 Ken would be starring in the play opposite Dame Edith Evans , who was admittedly close to the end of her remarkable career and had n't yet lived down that famous interpretation of hers in the film of The Importance of Being Earnest .
15 I had already been a prisoner nearly a year and had not yet escaped .
16 Dr McNab was silent for such a long time that even those of his supporters who had remained steadfast throughout Dr Dunstaple 's persuasive arguments and had not yet crossed his name from their emergency cards , began to fear that perhaps he had nothing to say .
17 The three rabbits were returning down the bank of the stream and had not yet seen Hazel and the others .
18 Mr Lambert added the inquiry was still gathering steam and had not yet peaked despite the recent removal of the mobile police pod outside the pensioner 's home .
19 Braque , on the other hand , although he was only six months younger than Picasso , was slower in his development and had not yet established himself as a particularly original or significant painter ; indeed , Braque subsequently came to feel that the paintings he executed in Antwerp during the summer of 1906 were his first creative works .
20 This day is definitely on Sat. 17 June from 10.30 – 4.00 at Fee £10 those of you had put your name on the list and have not yet sent your fees PLEASE do so now .
21 Fifthly , although the fact is often overlooked by philosophers , we commonly talk of causes in situations where we are attempting to explain some event and have not yet done so .
22 Registrations are still growing and have not yet peaked out .
23 But in the 1990s many citizens , particularly among the English ( who tend to be less conscious of their ‘ Englishness ’ than the Scots and Welsh are of their national identities ) , do not even feel British : it has been commented that the British lost their sense of identity along with their empire and have not yet found another identity .
24 There are three kinds of people : those who have sought God and found him , and these are reasonable and happy ; those who seek God and have not yet found him , and these are reasonable and unhappy ; and those who neither seek God nor find him , and these are unreasonable and unhappy .
25 Dewdrops , on the other hand , exist , not because they are durable , but because they have only just come into existence and have not yet had time to evaporate .
26 But how I am to get conveyed with my luggage to Maitland neither Stephen or I can devise , three teams of bullocks having left Warra on their way from the plains to this place eight days ago and have not yet arrived .
27 But most of the 49 designated assembly points exist only on maps ; UN officials have so far surveyed only 20 of them and have not yet set up camps suitable for an organised demobilisation .
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