Example sentences of "and the search for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But whether directly or indirectly , the incipient bureaucracies clearly owed much to scholastic methods , to the categorization of information , the use of abstract nouns , and the search for system , that the schools had pioneered .
2 ‘ We spoke about the very good relationships between our Churches in Britain and I spoke about our foundation under John Wesley , with the links between personal piety and the search for righteousness in social justice We spoke about these things linking our two Churches together at quite a deep level .
3 It would greatly assist the activities in Northern Ireland and the search for peace if the clearest possible lead was given by all politicians in this country and Northern Ireland .
4 Mr Reynolds stated that getting the talks underway again was now a priority and the search for peace should proceed without fear or the threat of violence from any side .
5 For a few it is immensely strong , and the search for law or a great master at Bologna — for theology and Abelard at Paris — played its part in bringing students to distant schools in the early twelfth century , the first great creative age in the formation of medieval universities .
6 Minamata and the search for justice / Green primer / Gender engenders science / God 's aims pseudoscience / PuncturingAnt 's tale / Mind dances
7 Minamata and the search for justice
8 Revenge and the search for justice change the life of Jimmie Rainwood played by Tom Selleck .
9 In this climate , various groups of individuals who had been involved in the conferences and activities of the preceding few years were to move into the drawing up of detailed proposals for curriculum development and the search for funds with which to implement these . [ … ]
10 I was sad to leave , but when Redruth and I began our journey to Bristol , my thoughts turned to the voyage and the search for treasure .
11 Faced with more than a thousand scientific papers , the author has chosen to give us the highlights : the measurement of the precise position of the source 3C273 by lunar occultation , which led to the discovery of the quasars ; the fine work on mapping the southern sky ; the detection of the presence of interstellar molecules ; and the search for pulsars .
12 Losing tended to lead to a disintegration of the group , and the search for scapegoats both within and outside the group ; tasks needs became even more important to the loser ; losing , however , forced groups to re-evaluate their view of themselves and eventually come to a more realistic assessment of what changes were required to make the group effective .
13 The national dimension to sports reporting and the search for heroes could be a source of anxiety and even distress to the more reticent sportsman .
14 And the vitality of the debate and the search for solutions are a healthy reflection of the social awareness that CAB work instils .
15 Furthermore , the meanings of concepts changed in the very process of everyday life and the search for solutions to problems .
16 But the counting of the dead and the search for survivors goes on , the residents of Plainfield , less than four thousand of them , are familiar with this sort of havoc ; in nineteen sixty seven , a tornado killed thirty two people .
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