Example sentences of "and partly because [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We identify a stretch of language as a text partly because it is presented to us as a text , and we therefore do our utmost to make sense of it as a unit , and partly because we perceive connections within and among its sentences .
2 We have given it up , partly because we can not afford all the exercise tests and partly because we believe that once you know the patient has got ischaemic heart disease , which he has by definition if he has had an infarct , that the exercise test on a beta blocker is as useful prognostically .
3 Judges may still be accorded charismatic qualities , however , partly because of their high social and economic standing , partly because of the mystique of the legal ritual and partly because they embody the law 's impartiality .
4 They were feverishly engaged in anti-Francoist conspiring , partly because many monarchists were opposed to Franco 's gestures of support for Hitler and Mussolini , and partly because they resented the national and international prominence given to Serrano and the Falangists Serrano had chosen as his closest personal and professional associates .
5 ‘ Partly common or garden jealousy , I think , and partly because they tend not to get involved in all the politics that goes on . ’
6 I actually started my listening with the Etudes on the fourth disc , partly because these pieces came late in my discovery of Debussy and partly because they represent a big technical challenge .
7 Deciduous trees appear less affected than conifers , partly because they offer a smaller area of foliage , and partly because they shed their leaves each autumn and hence are not exposed to air pollution for such a long time as conifers .
8 The supply of carpenters in Scotland will not immediately increase : it takes time to acquire carpentry skills and existing carpenters in other parts of the UK may be reluctant to move away from their own area , partly because of the cost of the move and partly because they do not wish to leave their families and friends .
9 This was partly due to the fact that I did n't really understand what I was supposed to be doing and partly because I had a very intricate felt-pen and biro decoration to complete on my pencil case ( which obviously took priority over maths work ) .
10 and partly because I had to have an operation which meant that it would n't be easy for me to live in the flats any longer .
11 I supported it partly on the recommendation of the warden of the teachers ' centre and partly because I felt that they needed something positive because of the merger .
12 I do n't drink much of my beer , partly due to a disapproving glance from Willie , and partly because I want to leave it under my chair for Jerry to have later .
13 ‘ It 's partly make-up and partly because I drink a lot of water , ’ the princess replied , according to one of the home 's sponsors .
14 Julia closed her eyes , partly because that was a question she did not want to answer and partly because she thought it might help to stop her flinging her arms around his neck and saying , kiss me , oh please kiss me .
15 Maggie had never bothered to resist their reasoning , and she folded her clothes partly from the natural instinct of obedience , and partly because she had never been entirely sure that these external appendages did indeed belong to her , Maggie Petherington , or if perhaps they were loans from the mysterious outer world ; loans that would doubtless be called in some day .
16 Carrie lingered , partly because she felt so sorry suddenly , and partly because she felt guilty .
17 She had turned down their invitation tonight , partly because she was tired , and partly because she wanted to read the typed hand-outs which had accompanied the day 's lectures .
18 It was partly because he got a weird buzz out of scaring himself half to death , and partly because he felt it was a kind of exorcism , to convince him he had control over his fears — and the horrors that were waiting for him round the corner of sleep .
19 This was partly because of personal regard and partly because he saw that the moment for choice in India had come .
20 Partly in the hope of keeping himself on the straight and narrow — you 'd be surprised how many gay men do that — and partly because he thought it would do his career a bit of good .
21 This was partly because he was secretive , partly be cause , with his own version of Potter arrogance , Marcus supposed Mr Rose would probably be unable to follow the significance of his reflections , and partly because he supposed Mr Rose was primarily interested in sex .
22 By April 1954 Gouzenko had become a ‘ problem child partly because of his insatiable desire far publicity and remuneration from papers and partly because he has been ready to exploit present hysteria among the new administration in the United States ’ .
23 Brian had chosen Bath as a place to which he would take Celia the following weekend , partly because it was not too far away and partly because he remembered how happy they had been there before .
24 When he was approached at the end of 1987 to become the Pru 's finance director he was tempted away , partly because the tremendous growth of PW had created ‘ more of a loss of identity as individual partners ’ and partly because it offered a new and exciting role .
25 In a sense , this was a line which had been followed by John Hunter ; but his heirs in Britain had not pursued it , partly because of a national aversion to the vivisection which seemed a necessary part of it and partly because it seemed materialistic .
26 Withdrawal now tends to be discouraged , partly because it is thought to be another form of segregation within the ordinary school , and therefore in danger of isolating and stigmatising children , and partly because it deprives children of access to lessons and activities available to other children .
27 But this ploy fails , partly because such a conception fails to tell us what is to count as ‘ adding 2 ’ , and partly because it relies upon a smooth interpretation of ‘ every ’ ; but we could ask about ‘ every ’ the same questions as we are asking about' + 2' , for there is always the possibility that someone should after a while begin to use ‘ every ’ as we would use ‘ every other ’ , maintaining that he was the only one in step .
28 The insertion of an adequate Human factors approach into a comprehensive design process is not easy , partly for the reason mentioned already that it has not habitually been regarded as necessary and partly because it cuts across all other decision-making .
29 Academically the traits approach has been very largely discredited , partly because of its lack of precision and partly because it has demonstrably not worked in identifying the most effective leaders , yet it is still the most commonly used approach .
30 Official figures now show that adult training centres are full , partly because there are not enough centres and places , and partly because it has become increasingly difficult to place mentally handicapped people with firms on a full-time basis .
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