Example sentences of "and before that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The standard WCC process is long : applications to start in Oct 1990 should theoretically be with Geneva by Oct 1989 , and before that they have to be approved by the relevant screening body within the student 's country ( usually the Council of churches ) and by the sending institution ( eg a church ) .
2 They came here only two years ago , and before that he owned a school in the north of England .
3 He had himself frequently led patrols along the narrow roads and boreens that ran like veins through the countryside about Cork , and before that he had spent more time than he cared to remember in the muddy trenches and dug-outs of France with shells screaming overhead .
4 And before that he had brought her back from the world , home again into the enclave of the Scarabae .
5 Middlesbrough-born Alf has been chief personnel officer with Middlesbrough council since 1974 and before that he worked for Teesside county borough council .
6 But it wo n't be that much because I 've been out of things for the last year and before that I had shut my eyes anyway .
7 ‘ I was always the top broker at any firm I worked for on Wall Street and before that I sold memberships at the Museum of Modern Art .
8 I 've lived on Skomer for six years now and before that I looked after a smaller seabird reserve on St Margaret 's Island .
9 Er previous to that I held the licence for The Mason 's Arms at for three years previous to that and before that I 've been connected with the catering and licence trade from being fifteen .
10 You could n't join the library until you were seven , and before that I read my Hans Christian Anderson back to front when I 'd read it twenty times from start to finish .
11 And they told me about Azul , in Jersey , and before that I think it was before that they showed me the forensic photographs of all of them : Bissett skewered on the railings , grotesque and spread and limp ; the blood-smeared vibrator used on the retired judge , Jamieson ; the drained shapeless white body of Persimmon , tied to his grid above a pool of blood , then nothing when there should have been something ; then what was left of Sir Rufus Carter , blackened bones , distorted and bent , the black skull 's jaw hinged down in a blind scream but the flesh all gone very much a dental-records job and it was all black , the nails , the wood and the bones too but it 's their mouths their jaws I remember , their silent screams , hanging slack or jammed open and it gets worse because they show me the fucking video they show me the video they think I made or that I think they think I made but I did n't ; they make me watch it and it 's horrific ; there 's a man and he 's dressed in black or dark blue and he has a gorilla mask on and he keeps sucking on this little bottle he 's carrying which must be helium because it gives him that baby voice disguising his own voice and he has this fat little guy strapped to a chrome seat , his mouth taped , one arm tied down onto the arm of the chair , shirt rolled up and the little guy 's shrieking as hard as he can but it sounds quiet because the noise is having to come down his nose while the man in the gorilla mask looks from the camera to the guy in the seat and holds up this huge fucking syringe like something from a nightmare from an old movie from a horror film and I can feel my heart beating wildly because that 's what this is .
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