Example sentences of "and knew that [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 He could hear people shouting in the distance and knew that they had gone chasing off in the opposite direction .
2 Some of them had a memory of metal , of bronze heads , and shields and tools : when they came upon the hulk of a wrecked ship on one of the cays of Oualie , they found rusted nails and coopers ' bands and knew that they had remembered right something the islands had never known .
3 He saw her dust devil from a long way away , and knew that she had been led here by her own dreams , by the pull of the moon .
4 She looked back at Nuadu and knew that it had to work .
5 I had my problem hamstring and knew that I had n't had the necessary training to run a 200 metres after a 100 and a relay .
6 After what seemed an eternity , and was well over two hours , I felt the marsh ground underfoot change to shingle and knew that I had reached the shore .
7 I stood there in the dark and the rain , and knew that I had created a monster .
8 Clive heard the fountain , and knew that he had torn something important .
9 He felt as if he had walked for miles and knew that he had certainly had too much to drink .
10 He turned to look at Myeloski , peering urgently out of the window as the traffic stacked up and made movement impossible , and knew that he had nothing in common with these people , nothing that could be shared because of his blood .
11 She heard him say it , and knew that he had , indeed , been there in her bed .
12 In Benedict 's glance , as he handed her up into his curricle , she recognised regret , and knew that he had fallen victim — like other men before him — to the curse she carried with her always .
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