Example sentences of "and yet he [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The learned judge thought not ( and indeed a mere finder of lost wheat could not authorise the grinding of it ) , and yet he felt that it would be hard to hold X liable .
2 Okay in Italy on the marble it does work , but on the slate it you know it it has n't worked and I think various quarries have tried it and found out that it does n't work , and yet he assumed that he knew better and you know , little little things like that , you know he just seemed unwilling to learn or lis heed advice .
3 Ramsey thought this an injustice ; he decided that his bishop was vague and naïve in his theology , someone who took up new ideas with enthusiasm and with very little precision of thought ; and yet he saw that the bishop disliked controversy and was hurt by it , and thought him to be a friend and a man of prayer .
4 His pay is appallingly low and one month in arrears , and yet he hears that the local party is about to mobilize by force peasants aged between 20 and 40 for the army .
5 James Shelley Hamilton described Cagney 's role in The Public Enemy as being that of a vicious , cruel , hard-boiled rat and yet he concluded that we end up sympathizing with him and feeling ‘ that there was something likeable and courageous about the little rat after all ’ .
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