Example sentences of "and perhaps [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The corporate planning process is only one , and perhaps not the best , way of establishing those values throughout the organization .
2 But replacing the still popular linked rectangular sink and drainer that fit over a base unit will mean fitting a new worksurface , and perhaps even a new base unit as well — a much more difficult task .
3 Thus , whereas a horseman 's work formerly revolved almost entirely around his horses , his modern counterpart must not only be a tractor driver but a ‘ general farm worker ’ — a mechanic , a labourer and perhaps even a part-time stockman , too .
4 Diplomats and diplomatic representation , it could be argued , were for these states a doubtfully necessary luxury and perhaps even a dangerous one .
5 The exceptions , which have some form of developed street network , a more diverse range of buildings and perhaps even a central core , clearly stand out from the pack on current evidence , and they can thus be seen to compare most favourably with the urban patterns recognizable within the major towns and cities of the province .
6 These comments may well apply to English , and perhaps even a large number of languages , but they certainly do not apply to all .
7 The consensus has it that economics will be the key stick with which the CEGB 's opponents , and perhaps even a few of its friends , will beat the board .
8 For a young , intelligent and well off man of 25 , the mid 19C offered excellent opportunities for excitement , discovery , and perhaps even a modest profit .
9 From the early days , the children destined for university would have acquired at least the rudiments of Greek and perhaps even a little Hebrew : books in all three languages had been left to the School by William Nicholson , the Master , in 1597 .
10 Knowing the labyrinthine tax laws is essential , as she has to advise clients contesting tax bills at industrial tribunals , the High Court and perhaps even the European Court of Justice .
11 The campaign may include a ‘ splash ’ in the local newspaper , an item on local radio , handbills and posters and perhaps even an official ‘ opening ’ by a famous personality .
12 While a given social system probably has a finite set of religious requirements under given conditions , these can be satisfied in many and perhaps even an infinite variety of ways .
13 They seem to depend more on policy preferences than research and to reflect the Government 's preference for action not words , for speedy response rather than lengthy debate , and perhaps also a deep disregard for the theoretical overview .
14 Over the same period the cost of these schemes has risen from £10.63 million to £24.81 million , partly the result of the larger number of schemes , the increasing cost of materials and labour and perhaps also the increasing scale and thoroughness of many of the schemes carried out .
15 Yet signs are not wanting that the mental effort of doing so is one which will become more and more difficult as the memory of the distinct courts of Law and Equity dies out ; and perhaps already the unified jurisdiction of the High Court , and the statutes which have codified certain branches of Common Law and Equity , have produced some results which could hardly have been given by any combination of proceedings in the separate courts , or by the development of the law solely by means of cases decided in them .
16 Feeding me must have been painful , and perhaps therefore an unpleasant emotional experience .
17 The faith of the psychiatrist in whatever remedies he uses is an important contribution to , and perhaps sometimes the main reason for its effectiveness or its reputation , but this drug , later named Tofranil or imipramine , was found to be effective in many other clinics and came to be used on a wide scale .
18 It may be so , if it is a personal Christmas card list , for example ; but if the same modest list were to be headed ‘ suspected sympathisers with the X Party ’ ( or the Y terrorist group ) , or ‘ directors of companies believed to be trading with country Z ’ — there could be danger to those on the list if it fell into the hands of evil-minded zealots — and perhaps then the shorter the list the greater the danger .
19 For it is becoming increasingly clear that a semantic theory alone can give us only a proportion , and perhaps only a small if essential proportion , of a general account of language understanding .
20 There is a strong familial component to this type of diabetes and perhaps ideally the primary medical care service should provide an annual postprandial blood glucose test for those over 40 years with a first-degree relative who has developed diabetes before the age of 65 years .
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