Example sentences of "and none [adv] so [subord] " in BNC.

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1 They were all hearteningly well preserved and twinkling with renewed well-being , and none more so than Jim , 87 , and Mary , 91 , who met in an old people 's home and scandalised the staff by taking naps on the same bed , before deciding to make honest pensioners of each other .
2 This study has illustrated the ways in which the social sciences created ‘ new knowledges ’ as they revolutionized themselves , and none more so than psychology which obtained its influential position by applying itself to a number of ‘ practices ’ involving problems of the ‘ abnormal functioning ’ of either individuals or institutions .
3 Early on that morning that very same morning in October 1913 , anyone walking or motoring down Westfield Drive , Boston , Massachusetts , would never have given any of the houses a second glance , so ordinary were they , and none more so than number 1015 , a clapboard house like all the others in the street , only one which was in even more urgent need of repainting than most of its neighbours .
4 It is thus eminently possible for the homosexual sub-culture to inform and , on occasion , dominate virtually every pop style since the 1950s and none more so than in mid-1980s — but still to find itself politically disenfranchised , socially marginal , and vulnerable to attacks from the New Morality .
5 British universities have been strongly influenced by the actions of many governments , and none more so than the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge .
6 All teachers are over-pressed with regard to what is expected of them , and none more so than those doing RE .
7 1.45 Pleadings in running-down cases are usually in common form and none more so than the defence — often a straight denial of everything the plaintiff claims , although Ord 18 , r12(1) ( c ) requires that where a claim for damages is made against a party , a defence must contain particulars of any facts on which the party relies in mitigation of , or otherwise in relation to , the amount of damages .
8 The team that was made up of the remnants from Roxburgh 's original squad — and three of those conscripted to compensate for nine weekend call-offs — distinguished themselves at Ibrox and none more so than Duncan Ferguson , of Dundee United .
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