Example sentences of "and he did [adv] like " in BNC.

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1 Her intimacy seemed completely impersonal , and he did rather like being appreciated for himself .
2 For funerals , the Reverend Bottingley felt , were not a woman 's occasion , they were too hard on the emotions , and on the feet and knees , and he did not like to see women weep in public .
3 He was reluctant to take the post for two reasons : he felt that the salary was not high enough , and he did not like the idea of being confined to one place even for six months of the year .
4 I did not like him then and he did not like me .
5 Rab felt bagged by what beer he had already drank and he did not like the nickname .
6 The autocratic old Frenchman came out of it badly and he did not like it .
7 In his country it was always hot , and he did not like cold weather .
8 He knew what he was asking these people to do and he did not like it , but there was no other way .
9 And he did n't like what he heard So he trashed the monitors .
10 Ibn Fayoud did n't like mornings and he did n't like country air .
11 Rennie understood that his leg was being gently pulled , and he did n't like it .
12 ‘ All the older pros used to take the mickey out of us , but then one day in a practice match Ian went past Jim Cannon , who had been at the club for ages , and he did n't like it .
13 He watched as Anne stood outside the house , telling Chrissie of what had happened , and he did n't like the clear signs of distress that he could see on Chrissie Stone 's pale features .
14 Eventually , we realized that our school work was suffering and a few of us turned him down flat when it came to the sports and he did n't like it .
15 I did n't like Mike , ’ she says , ‘ I strolled in and he did n't like me , he was at that age when he did n't like people if they did n't look cool so I hated him because he used to be really sarcastic and I did n't know him well enough to realise that he was only messing .
16 She tried to work herself , and got a couple of nights barmaiding , but he did n't like that , and he did n't like one of the children going to nursery .
17 He was a quiet , shy man , and he did n't like talking himself .
18 But when we moved in here , because I 'd been away from him for five months and I 'd learned to cope for myself , I started standing up for myself and he did n't like it .
19 He was going to pieces inside , just as Lorton intended , and he did n't like it .
20 So hearing there was computer classes here , he started coming and he did n't like it and he stopped .
21 He 'd had that spin-out in practice and he did n't like the way the car was handling .
22 Crawford went to two Christmas parties , where nobody spoke to him and he did n't like the food .
23 Edwin was a crafty old so-andso and he did n't like his children very much — not that I blame him — so I thought I 'd better get the beneficiaries together and explain .
24 That Fran had no intention of doing just that had only just struck him , and he did n't like it one little bit !
25 He had heard what she 'd said and he did n't like it .
26 And he did n't like it .
27 Why am I always given the responsibility of looking after the microphones , I 've done this for years well think about this brother here , he made cheese for years and he did n't like the job one bit , now is n't that strange , do you know why ?
28 It was Michael 's and he did n't like it .
29 Cos he thought I 'd , I 'd smoke it , I was smoking and he did n't like it and then erm he told me I do n't wan na talk to you any more , blah , blah , blah , all that rubbish .
30 So we got on that bus , and he did n't like it , this bus driver , oh , you 're not supposed to be on here
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