Example sentences of "and a list of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Personal protective equipment , Controlling contractors and Are you complying with COSHH ? give practical advice , sources of further information and a list of useful publications .
2 Postbasic certificate and statemented ( the latter are generally shorter ) courses are validated by the boards and a list of current courses and training establishments can be obtained by writing directly to the boards or to a delegated careers advice service .
3 More information and a list of private client stockbrokers can be found in the Directory of Private Client Stockbrokers , available free from Apcims ( ) or ProShare ( ) .
4 Then a list of possible new schemes dear to committee members ' hearts is added and a list of possible economies and cuts , 1 per cent , 5 per cent or 10 per cent in total .
5 Any document that includes listing particulars , where new shares are to be listed , will be examined in great detail and a list of non-applicable items will be required .
6 They also include a critique of conventional news values and a list of professional ethics .
7 Contact Send a large SAE for information and a list of local classes to Yoga Biomedical Trust , PO Box 140 , Cambridge CB4 3SY .
8 Congratulations from Councillor H.D.G. Fraser on the above mentioned appointment and a list of local contacts who could help to forward her aims .
9 Congratulations from Councillor H.D.G. Fraser on the above mentioned appointment and a list of local contacts who could help to forward her aims .
10 BIG HARD EXCELLENT FISH Imperfect List ( One Little Indian ) Eerie synth chords and a list of unpleasant things recited by Scouse poet Josie Jones .
11 The new party published a list of past mistakes , including the Communist Party 's forcible suppression of the opposition in 1948 , and a list of proposed remedies , headed by the creation of a multi-party system .
12 Included in the pack is a list of approved foreign legal professions , and a list of foreign regulatory bodies whose professional rules do not prohibit practice in partnership with solicitors in England and Wales .
13 For further information and a list of reputable practitioners , contact The Acupuncture Association & Register Ltd. , 34 Alderney Street , London SW1V 4EU 9enclose £1.50 ) , or the Hypnotherapy Register on 081–840 3790 .
14 Here are just a few examples : notices ( pictorial or written ) on doors and cupboards and the use of different colours aid recognition within the house reduction of clutter , removal of locks on cupboards and good lighting simplify movement within the house , and a child 's safety gate on the stairs reduces the danger of wandering at night reminder notices eg " Do n't forget your key " inside the front door or " Remember to turn off the gas " over the cooker communication between helpers may be assisted by a diary beside the telephone and a list of important numbers is useful if gas is used , the Gas Advisory Service ( free to the elderly ) will check all appliances and recommend safety measures alarm systems may not be very appropriate for dementia sufferers ; they may be over- or under-used .
15 Contact For information and a list of qualified homoeopaths , send a large SAE to The British Homoeopathic Association , 27a Devonshire Street , London W1N 1RJ ( 071–935 2163 ) .
16 Contact For information and a list of qualified aromatherapists , send a large SAE ( with 50p worth of stamps ) to The International Federation of Aromatherapists , c/o The Royal Masonic Hospital , Ravenscourt Park , London W6 0TN ( 081–846 8066 ) .
17 Supply a starter bag of peanuts , and a list of luxury suggestions , such as grated cheese ( for robins ) and soaked raisins , and with luck , turkey wo n't be the only bird your friends and family enjoy on Christmas Day .
18 You will find details of organisations which offer this form of support at the end of this booklet and a list of sympathetic ministers of different faiths can be obtained from CARA , The Terrence Higgins Trust Family Support Network and London Lighthouse Community Services .
19 To this should be attached a revised , up-dated consideration of the date bracket for each group , and a list of residual pieces .
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