Example sentences of "and [pron] looks [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And I gets this one out and I 'm reading through it and I looks at the name John , and then I began to take an interest in it and , here I discovered that my grandfather and my great grandfather that 's like my grandfather and my grandmother 's father
2 Moreover , the possibility of a conversation is denied with a model who presents an uplifted chin and who looks over the artist 's and viewer 's heads .
3 and who looks after the children ?
4 Mum said of him : ‘ He 's gone meshugge ( daft ) … the shiksa comes from nowhere , we know nothing about her , or her family , and she looks like a shmatte ( rag ) . ’
5 Three o'clock in the morning , bopping through a weird limb-jerking dance routine , and she looks like a child at playschool .
6 And one looks at the two most likely existing settlements on which you could do that to are , of course , Easingwold , to the Nor to the Northwest , and Tadcaster to the South .
7 this fixed fee competitive scenario , then we will insist that we are actually comparing apples with apples and not apples with pears , whe when the client looks at our fee and he looks at an external consultant 's or another railway internal consultant 's fee
8 He goes into a restaurant and he says oh the waiter erm let me see the menu and he looks at the menu and said right , he said .
9 Yes , but pretends he 's not watching and he looks over the top of his paper .
10 I just thought poor guy , I mean he was somebody who thought he 'd overcome food addiction , drink addiction , drugs addiction and he looks like a spider .
11 It 's about collison of cultures in Britain since the end of the war , and it looks at the way that some artists of non-British origin have come to terms with modern art — or , rather , have made a personal art by calling on ways of expression that might have been absolutely native to them in other countries than this .
12 But if the decision is made to share the same house , and it looks like a viable proposition , then planning should begin optimistically and without fuss , having due regard for the needs of all parties .
13 They also provide us with , and my designers love this I mean they g go over there and they come back and they plaster these things all over , all over their design rooms and it looks like a Paris design house .
14 So poems are elusive because you get the idea that actually working out your idea so it comes down on paper and it looks like a good poem and it says what you want to say and it does n't spoil the effect etcetera so you 've really captured your poem .
15 ‘ Driver acceptance too has been very good and it looks like the misconception that diesels are dirty , slow and smelly is a thing of the past . ’
16 Coal tar linings were banned from the 1970s onwards after advice from WRC but , said a TWA spokesman , someone would now have to foot the bill for replacing the old linings ‘ and it looks like the ratepayer ’ .
17 A lot of time and thought has been given to this and it looks like the best way of dealing with it is … because … .
18 And you know , the surface is not all i , you look out on the sea , and it looks like the proverbial mill pond , it 's calm , it 's barely a ripple of water but it 's not still .
19 Cos a couple of doors further on they , they there 's and they got a completely different front and window and it looks like an addition .
20 If I stand at the window ( which I am not going to do ) I can see a small fat man with a trilby hat , a British warm and what looks like a binocular case , standing down below on the other side of the road and peering up with an anxious concentration at this battered , paint-peeling semi-circle of so-called Mansion Flats .
21 Inlaid into the front of the black-faced headstock is the familiar Gibson logo , and what looks like a stylised seahorse .
22 He 's wearing thick old cords worn smooth at the bum and knee but good-quality once , and what looks like a load of shirts and holey jumpers and cardigans .
23 Launched in September with no publicity , one of the worst time slots imaginable — one or four o'clock on a Sunday morning ( depending on which TV region you 're in ) — and what looks like the lowest budget in TV , it nevertheless achieved a ratings increase from 300,000 to 1.6 million in it 's first four months and , according to Granada TV insiders , it 's guaranteed to run ’ almost indefinitely ’ .
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