Example sentences of "and [pron] had been able " in BNC.

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1 Both parents had come to the open evening and she had been able to talk to them .
2 It was as if someone had been trapped inside and had kicked and beaten the door — perhaps without success — until the power had gone and they had been able to drive back down the hill .
3 Konstantin Charsky was a poet like herself , but much better known , and he had been able to gather quite a few western books .
4 He was used to such things , and he had been able to pass the time by fulfilling an old ambition , to read Edward Gibbon 's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in the original English .
5 The office gossip had been quite useful in reassuring him on that point , and he had been able to view the uncomfortable ride in the lift with them in an encouraging new light .
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