Example sentences of "and [pron] be no reason " in BNC.

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1 And there 's no reason for you to . ’
2 Fortunately , these repressive attitudes are vanishing fast , and there 's no reason why sexual relationships should not flourish after retirement .
3 And there 's no reason why it should .
4 ‘ We are going to Liverpool at just the right time and there 's no reason for them to expect any favours from us . ’
5 You 've got no police record and there 's no reason you should n't go back and live with ordinary people .
6 And there 's no reason for Elinor to see any of this if it tires her .
7 All right , I was Marius ’ personal assistant and there 's no reason to assume that Nigel would want to take me over in the same role .
8 I 've told you , I 'm not involved with Adam , and there 's no reason for you to keep me here any longer . ’
9 Which we 've already talked about and there 's no reason why erm , you can not have a one pager for access .
10 But I suppose some are more susceptible than others , and there 's no reason these days to suffer when a simple injection will cure it . ’
11 Looping the loop is a perfectly normal manoeuvere for this sort of aircraft and there 's no reason whatsoever why it should n't be demonstrated to the public
12 ‘ Voluntary groups are providing the services already and there 's no reason they should not continue to do so on behalf of the SSD , he says .
13 All that they would be tendering for would be to actually run the facility , and there 's no reason to suppose that a private contractor can do that any more cheaply , if they deliver the same quality of service , as the Local Authority can do , so it would n't actually save money , all it would do would mean that control of the level of service that was being delivered at those facilities was lost from the Council to a private contractor .
14 However , while returning home with the Cup might not quite be an occasion for breaking out the ticker tape and launching into an orgy of street parties , it would be nice to see England do well , and there is no reason why they should not .
15 This time , Reg Akehurst , who was taken by surprise when Solidasarock won the SGB Chase at Ascot , will be expecting his seven-year-old to improve on that performance in today 's event at Newbury and there is no reason why this promising young chaser should not continue to progress .
16 Mr Geoff Dossetter , the Federation 's spokesman said : ‘ It is a buyer 's market out there and there is no reason why women should not be good at selling cars . ’
17 ESD has potential , manufacturing should recover and there is no reason to suppose Farnell should not be successful in Germany , although it is still early days .
18 Francis ' account of his methods in administering anabolic steroids to his athletes is factual and detailed and there is no reason to doubt that he is telling the truth .
19 Nobody would ever claim that a bacterium was a conscious strategist , yet bacterial parasites are probably engaged in ceaseless games of Prisoner 's Dilemma with their hosts and there is no reason why we should not attribute Axelrodian adjectives — forgiving , non-envious , and so on — to their strategies .
20 If the population of burrowing earthworms could be increased five-fold ( and there is no reason why it should not ) , the natural improvement in soil structure and fertility could transform the productivity of our land and save us enormous expense .
21 The human mind , however , has its own limitations , being able to think only in terms of what it already knows , and there is no reason to suppose that the concept of hell and damnation is any more valid than that of angels floating on fluffy white clouds .
22 When the polarisation is unavailable as well ( as on overcast days , for example ) , bees fall back on yet a third system , based on landmarks , and there is no reason to suppose we have exhausted the set of fail-safe plans built into bees .
23 Children of parents with means were more likely than the children of the poor to have capital ; but enterprise was even more essential , and there is no reason to suppose that this was the prerogative of any group or class in the Europe of the day .
24 If the regulations are being enforced , and there is no reason to believe they are not , then bearing in mind that most growers own less than one hectare of vines , there still must be quite a few of these stubborn old vignerons around .
25 Laney go to great lengths in their literature to point out that , while the two different technologies remain mutually exclusive , each has its good points and there is no reason why both should not co-exist .
26 Individuals in interacting either harmonize or conflict , and there is no reason to suppose that any enlargement of awareness would either reconcile all conflict or expose all harmony as illusory .
27 The children of the prince and princess retain their position in the line of succession , and there is no reason why the Princess of Wales should not be crowned Queen in due course .
28 This type of open learning environment is after all standard for social workers and counsellors , and there is no reason why it should not be equally standard for teachers .
29 This discovery does make the point that trade had been established and there is no reason to think that in the closing years of his reign , when Cunobelinus was showing strong pro-Roman tendencies these commercial links with the Roman world would not have been fostered .
30 The problems endured and created by large cohorts seem considerable and there is no reason why Easterlin effects should not be recognized and incorporated into other models .
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