Example sentences of "and [pron] be [adv] believe " in BNC.

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1 I became famous ( or notorious ) for my diary , which I kept up assiduously , and which was generally believed to be full of scandal of the sort the school authorities would not like to see appear in the newspapers .
2 And she is wholly believed because of that .
3 The celebrated Wasp Pendant ( Figure 28 ) came from a rich burial at Mallia , and it is generally believed that at least some of the Aigina Treasure — found at Aigina , but of unknown provenance — came from Mallia too .
4 Although some NMR studies have shown that it is possible to bind two actinomycin molecules to the tetranucleotide GCGC [ 29 ] , binding of the second molecule is highly anticooperative and it is generally believed that the exclusion site size for actinomycin , under normal conditions , is at least 4 base pairs [ 1 ] .
5 This linen cloth , some 4.25 m in length , bears the shadowy image of the front and back of a man who appears to have been scourged and crucified , and it is therefore believed to have been Christ 's burial shroud .
6 It is most common in older people and it is often believed that there is no cure because it is a sign that the body is wearing out .
7 Hitler 's confidence in early victory made a deep impression , and it was widely believed that the final push would begin in March or April .
8 CNC machine tool manufacturers have often promoted their products with the claim that they can be operated by unskilled operators , and it was widely believed for some time that engineering companies were taking the opportunity given by the introduction of CNC machine tools to replace skilled craft workers by unskilled or semi-skilled operators on the shop-floor , and putting white-collared technicians in the programming office .
9 Gingrich had been the first to lay formal charges which had led to the resignation on June 6 of the Speaker of the House of Representatives , Jim Wright [ see p. 36650 ] , and it was widely believed that his own investigation had been initiated in revenge in April by Representative Bill Alexander ( Dem. , Arkansas ) who on Oct. 26 filed new charges against Gingrich for alleged misuse of campaign funds and of congressional stationery .
10 In his letter of Aug. 14 Saddam had underlined his determination " not to keep any of Iraq 's potential outside the arena of the great duel " and it was widely believed that this implied either an intention to consolidate Iraqi gains in Kuwait or launch an attack against Saudi Arabia .
11 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
12 In its northern part wheat was almost unknown , in the whole tract lying between Holkham and Lynn not an ear was to be seen , and it was scarcely believed that an ear could be made to grow .
13 Those whose interests were prejudiced by the events of 787 are likely to have joined the ranks of Offa 's enemies , and it was later believed that Archbishop Jaenberht even plotted with Charlemagne against Offa to guarantee him free entry into Kent if he should invade .
14 Isolated PHB is highly crystalline , and it was originally believed that the native granules were also crystalline .
15 And it was popularly believed that those ideas were n't prevalent until much later presumably .
16 And what is more believed ?
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