Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv prt] [art] room " in BNC.

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1 The idiot in underpants is trundled to his feet and prodded out the room like a beef to the abattoir .
2 I nod , perhaps , and look around the room .
3 As Henry turned away and walked down the room Reginald bellowed with laughter ; and when his brother reached the door he shouted , ‘ Happy Christmas !
4 Choose a predominantly white or pastel-coloured suite , and liven up the room with colourful wall coverings , curtains or blinds and accessories , which are easier and cheaper to change than a bathroom suite .
5 Later , I 'll wash those sheets and clean up the room .
6 He edged his way through the standing drinkers and for a moment she thought he was going to join her , but he merely nodded and drifted down the room , taking up a position by the wall where he seemed to become engrossed in watching the efforts of a group of youngsters on the one-armed bandit .
7 Mum pushed the door open wide and marched up the room as if she owned it .
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