Example sentences of "and [subord] [pron] saw the " in BNC.

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1 By the end of that season , when he won his first championship by a large margin , I had little doubt who had achieved the triumph : Niki is no braggart , but in the first of many longish talks , he explained to me that his nature was such that he really just could n't stand the second-rate ; and if you saw the second-rate around you , you had a clear choice — either you cleared out and found yourself the first-rate or you simply demanded that second-rate people became first-rate .
2 I went to very liberal schools , I 'm at Boston University now , and if you saw the attitudes and prejudices there , the absolute indifference , you 'd be horrified .
3 And when they saw the star , they rejoiced with exceeding great joy .
4 And when they saw the rash then they were , but , but tt oh , I see , she says .
5 And when I saw the Aged come in with a lady , I knew I was right .
6 And when I saw the face on the screen , I agreed .
7 But those gloomy musings ended abruptly when the skim dropped me near the pod was berthed — and when I saw the shadowy figures around it .
8 And when I saw the landlady there she said that she did have a Mr there but he 'd left a few days ago , did n't know where he 'd got to .
9 Er and when you saw the figure or figures did you say anything then ?
10 The Merkut clan was camped along the curve of a small lake , and when he saw the first yurts Burun kicked his st'lyan into a gallop , his spirit soaring with anticipation .
11 Georgiades had a man on that route , too , but there was only one of him and when he saw the man coming he did not risk leaving his post to run and tell them but watched the man until he was safely inside the shop .
12 She got up early to muck him out and groom him and exercise him , and she babysat nearly every evening to keep him in good oats ( not Uncle Knacker 's ) and shoes , and when she saw the riders she was up against in the collecting ring , with their adoring parents and their fat cheque-books , it just made her all the more determined to beat them , because determination was all she had .
13 Bet went to see Nancy and when she saw the body , she started screaming and would n't stop .
14 She turned , and when she saw the offworlder , she smiled .
15 In the light of the lamp her naked body was glistening with rain and perspiration and when she saw the desire in his eyes she fell to her knees beside him .
16 Helen Sandberg heard the bangs too , and when she saw the white light , she thought the plane was burning .
17 And when she saw the family cottage , it seemed to be part of her body and life , as it always did .
18 ‘ Your mother … ? ’ she asked swiftly and when she saw the surprise in his eyes she went on hurriedly , ‘ Sybil told me . ’
19 As the prophetic people flocked around Jesus , and as they saw the transformation in the lives of his disciples and heard the words of life and hope , they longed for a rebellion against the Roman occupation of Judea or a reformation of the Pharisaical law .
20 Once again I felt the mysterious pleasure of being in an elevated Oxford chamber at night , among cloud and star , — so that I seemed to join in the inevitable motion of the planets , — and as I saw the sea of roofs and horned turrets and spires I knew that , although architecture is a dead language , here at least it speaks strongly and clearly , pompous as Latin , subtle as Greek .
21 She brought up her clenched fists to beat at him , and as he saw the dirt on them Benedict did let her go , stepping back out of the way .
22 She heard the front gate squeak open , and as she saw the two young Garda officers look up at the window and come slowly up her path , Kit Hegarty suddenly knew without any doubt what they were coming to tell her .
23 Taking a deep breath and straightening her slumping shoulders , she pushed open the back door of the colonel 's house , and as she saw the dim light from the lounge spilling out into the hall she walked in that direction .
24 Her voice was firm and dismissive , and as she saw the beginnings of surprise on his face at her rejection she moved swiftly into her room and started to close the door .
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