Example sentences of "and [vb past] had [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A.A. rang me at 4 o/c she returned on 2nd and had had grand time with Gwenda and families .
2 Despite her indulgence of him , she had kept him very much tied to her apron strings and had had great difficulty in relinquishing him to a wife .
3 Within three months , the epidemic strain was cultured from 3 other patients ( M30 , M32 , and M34 ) who had been inpatients over the Christmas period , and had had close contact with patients M8 and M10 .
4 Some young men , who had only experienced farming and had had little opportunity to further their education or develop wider skills , showed some bitterness and frustration .
5 She had travelled overnight from Germany , by boat and train , and had had little sleep .
6 It had continually opposed socio-political change and had had little understanding of the industrialization process up to that time .
7 Dierdriu had never lost a lover , for Dierdriu had been reckless and abandoned , and had had any man she had ever wanted .
8 Since I was twenty years old and had had some success in college debating societies , this possibility did not strike me as remote .
9 I had an MD and had had several articles published , and I was totally demoralised , feeling better qualified than some colleagues in full time senior registrar posts .
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