Example sentences of "and [vb past] [conj] sat [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Modigliani , of course , spotted her at once and came and sat at the next table .
2 He shut the door quickly behind him and came and sat on the small wooden chair in the corner .
3 That evening the man emerged from his bed and came and sat on mine .
4 She drew up a second chair and came and sat by him .
5 And suddenly , astonishingly , astonished , she began to weep , great sobs bursting out of her , tears leaping from her eyes , a kind of howling noise in her nose and throat , and Charles got up and came and sat by her and took her in his arms as she howled like a six-year-old .
6 Nor had the later overlapping visitation of hippies of the Sixties taken place , who had followed the gipsy processions , of which Alexander now told Frederica , and stayed and sung and smoked and loved and sat on the white beaches , so that the pale sand came to resemble road-dirt anywhere .
7 Instinctively he dipped his fingers in the holy water , a kind of regression to childhood , and went and sat on the end of a bench beside two nuns and waited his turn .
8 I reached the square and went and sat in the Café des Chasseurs , where men with nowhere to rush sat smoking and drinking , blank-faced .
9 and went and sat in the corner of the bathroom and went , scowled at him for a bit !
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