Example sentences of "and [pers pn] left the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Poor Undry , shrunken and wasted ! — and I left the sea and went up on to the land , into the world of mortals .
2 For all that he could be expected to stay in the Lorrimores , car for at least fifteen more minutes I felt decidedly jittery , and I left the door open so that if he did come back unexpectedly I could say I was merely checking that everything was in order .
3 and I left the door open here
4 ‘ I want to speak to you two in private , ’ he said , and so Joe and I left the pub and walked home with him .
5 My mother and I left the island at the end of the summer .
6 The coolness of the water roused me from my reverie , and I left the bath and decided to telephone Toby Greenslade .
7 He told me where to go and I left the room with relief .
8 He closed his eyes , and I left the room .
9 Sapt and I left the room by a secret door , and we found ourselves outside , at the back of the palace gardens .
10 When Gibson and I left the office , Guy turned on me and bluntly told me the fate that would overtake me were I to steal one of his crews .
11 Steve and I left the bivouac the following night , having spent the day preparing our abseil equipment , attaching short slings to our ice screws and pegs .
12 Simon , his right hand grasping Gazzer 's hair , and his left the back of Gazzer 's anorak , bent Gazzer 's head still further forward .
13 It was too late to ring Defence — early evening in London by now — but Maxim had given her the number of one of George 's military clubs and she left the name of Anglam Gateway and its solicitors with the secretary there .
14 The telephone bell broke in upon her musing , and she left the sunshine to answer it .
15 Carrie had already gathered up the baby 's toiletries in her arms and she left the room without answering him .
16 Patricia 's spoon dropped into her bowl with a clang , and she left the room .
17 Colquhoun painted ‘ Scylla ’ in the year before she officially joined the British Surrealist group , and she left the movement in 1940 .
18 This continued until the female had finished and she left the cave .
19 I asked my cleaner to post four chapters of my book on Roman agriculture and she left the envelope on a bus .
20 The cameraman then came on board and we left the quay ; we returned and he transferred to a motor boat to film us leaving the quay .
21 He gestured at me and we left the hall .
22 ‘ Get out of my way , ’ said Mr Jaggers and we left the man on his knees on the pavement .
23 Tony and Matt had brought lamps to look in some of the levels and we left the car in Gunnerside and followed the sign by the bridge that said " Public Footpath to Gunnerside Gill " .
24 He laughed back at her and they left the pub hand in hand .
25 When the train had gone and they left the station Sarah seemed quiet and thoughtful and Anne thought that she was more upset by Terry 's leaving than she had shown while he was there .
26 Maxim bypassed the village completely map-reading George up a third road above the farm and they left the car there with perhaps a quarter-mile walk down into the valley and up again to the cottage .
27 And they left the room .
28 She nodded and they left the house hand in hand and walked across the springy turf .
29 He summoned the waiter and , with the speed she was getting used to , paid the bill , and they left the restaurant , his hand on her arm .
30 He laughed , linking his arm in hers , and they left the dining-room .
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