Example sentences of "and [noun pl] ca n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Either keep an astute cat , or make sure traps are set inside drainpipes where pets and birds ca n't get at them .
2 He said , ‘ It 's just right for me , but mummies and daddies ca n't go on it , can they ? ’
3 And clubs ca n't help cashing in — by constantly changing the colour and style of their football strips .
4 And books ca n't feed the hunger of a soul in need of a larger sense of purpose .
5 And pubs ca n't help .
6 Each subsystem provides its own interface and applications ca n't use more than one .
7 But titles and businesses ca n't survive as landmarks and in the last advertising revenue increasingly moved into the proliferating newspaper magazine supplements .
8 Well , so that cats and things ca n't get down the side and get stuck .
9 Europe 's always dying and Americans ca n't leave her alone to die .
10 Employers are not as co-operative as they used to be and players ca n't afford to throw up a job with the employment market as it is ’ — GEORGE SPOTSWOOD ( Irish RFU technical officer ) .
11 The Cherry and Whites ca n't wait to ring out the old and ring in the new .
12 Many seals , dolphins and whales ca n't help taking in the odd gulp of brine as they swallow a fish .
13 They 're unable to do it and shivering is a body reaction to being cold to make you warm up because it 's rapid movement and babies ca n't do that , this is n't very clear , hang on that better ?
14 They are reluctant to waste money on access when ramblers and landowners ca n't get one and sit down together to agree on what 's needed .
15 And spiders ca n't hide in cobwebbed corners either .
16 Patent protection falls away and competitors ca n't wait to get in .
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